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macrumors 68020
Jul 4, 2002
Muncie, Indiana
Originally posted by groovebuster
Don't get too much into it... the original text says ... , sowie 4 schräg !!! angeordnete Blechverkeidungen für die PCI-Steckplätze....

Schräg doesn't mean diagonal, it means inclined. ...

Could it also mean "staggered" or "stepped"? Also what is it that is inclined, the "Blechverkeidungen", this is not the cards themselves but perhaps small sloped covers?

I dunno. It still sounds really weird.


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
Originally posted by dietsoda
i wasn't that upset with the photo that was doing the rounds, but i have to admit, this sounds better!

The rotating drives sound either like a flight of fancy, or another apple innovation we will all wonder how we did without.

Fingers' crossed!


Actually the Compaq Deskpro EN series did exactly this but in a really crappy manner where you had to flip the drives rather then the bay itself.. The Compaq logo detached and could be replaced with a provided horizontal logo. But then again the EN series was a crash prone nightmare. (Hmmm why am I getting a BIOS error for no video card detected when there is one in the AGP slot?)
Somehow I doubt the 970's will incorporate that portion of the Compaq design. :p ;)

*sighs* No word on PowerBooks yet.......Why do I have the feeling I'm going to be waiting til 2004 to get my first Mac since my 2e so long ago. :(


macrumors newbie
Jun 6, 2000
New Jersey

I would bet against this account of a new machine, but two things caught my attention.
1. is it possible Apple cant use G5 name for their new computers because toshiba has a laptop line with same name.
2. While a convertible desktop/tower is intresting...why? Desktops are dead. But... from apple history 101 the Mac IIci was Mr. Jobs baby (my favorite mac to date, I am old) and was a great destop that could be used vertically.
Someone please open the box already.


macrumors 65816
Jan 22, 2002
3rd rock from the sun...
Originally posted by cubist
Could it also mean "staggered" or "stepped"? Also what is it that is inclined, the "Blechverkeidungen", this is not the cards themselves but perhaps small sloped covers?

I dunno. It still sounds really weird.

It could mean staggered or stepped. The author is so unspecific in his language that it could mean almost anything. That's why I can't see how anybody would intereprete too much into it.

The German of that guy is really bad and his inability to describe things properly goes along with his bad expression and hilarious orthography. His German is way worse than my English.

Actually I was wondering a little bit o such a brain-dead person can be a Mac user with a Dual G4. But you never know...

Maybe he did that to cover up who he is?

At least it is pure speculation if that "report" is real or not. Since we don't know how the real machines look like and if the will really come right on monday, we don't have evidence for it being right or wrong.

I just find it funny how people go crazy (some of them even agressive) and make all kinds of assumptions why it can't be.

I remember I did that when the MDDs came out and was a bit unfriendly to the informant. So I know where it can take you when you are too desperate for new machines... Luckily the MDDs were not worth the hype and it brought my feet back on the ground! ;)



macrumors regular
Jul 4, 2002
leaked mac from apple says 3 pci
this says 4 pci

apple: 3 usb 2.0
them: 1 2.0 2 1.1
them 1 fw800 1 fw400
apple: 1 fw800 2 fw200

proof it is fake


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2002
It is curious how, if that rumor becomes true, the name "PowerMac 970" leaves Motorola out for any near future (years) unless Moto somehow gets some sort of license from IBM to build those too. Remember that while Moto does not seem to be very interested in the Apple market now, it is too looking to sell its processor department, and hence you do not know what it might be doing in, say, 2 years. The "G3" term was more anonymous, and hence you have G3s from IBM and Moto.

BTW, did not we see some piece of news months ago that Moto had announce a "G5", with that very name, processor for embedded market. Maybe that is why Apple is not using that term, because it is owned by Motorola.



macrumors member
Aug 8, 2002
Upstate NY
G5 is not so much a name is it is a term. The "G" stands for generation. When the G3 came out, it was the 3rd generation of Mac chip. Hence G3 or Generation 3. G4 was the 4th generation chip, and G5, of course will be the 5th generation regardless of who the manufacturer is. It's not so much a brand name as it is a description. Also, as others have posted here, if the chip is the IBM 970, then each minor upgrade will have a separate build number to it like 970.1, 970.2, 971, and so on while being just upgrades on the same chip. Calling it a G5, eliminates the customer confusion as to the different chipe numberings.


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2002
You did not understand me. You are saying exactly the same thing that I did, but I added how it was weird that Apple would NOT be using G5 and stick a "PowerMacintosh 970" (if the rumor is confirmed), because that term lose the ambiguity of the G5 term, and hence, the open door to different processors or manufacturers.

And not a brand name? Yeah, whatever tell that to Apple when they had the big "G3" in the b/w g3 or the way the apple store tags current systems. Do you see anywhere "PowerMac with dual Motorola whatever"?

For Apple, I am certain, G3 and G4 are brands.


macrumors member
Jul 24, 2001
Gulf area Alabama
Originally posted by elmimmo
It is curious how, if that rumor becomes true, the name "PowerMac 970" leaves Motorola out for any near future (years) ......snip..........

In the news for the last few weeks the story goes that Motorola has their chip making division up for sale. Seems another good reason to kiss Motorola good bye.


macrumors newbie
Jun 16, 2003
this is def. a fake:

how can there be 5 opticaldrive-slots, which can be put in 90 deg. turned? that mac would have to be REAL wide. not gonna happen.


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2002
What the name "PowerMac 970" implies is not simply "kissing Motorola good bye", but whoever else but IBM, including whoever is going to buy that Moto's division. Sticking to 1 manufacturer of processors has not been very positive to Apple in the near past.
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