I had a spare SSD lying around, and thought I'd use it to lease new life into my Mac Mini 2012 with a 500GB HDD. A few years back, I upgraded to 16GB of RAM (from the factory 4GB), but I needed a new challenge!
Looking around, there are plenty of guides advising how to upgrade the HDD in the Mac Mini to an SSD. However, I soon came across a stumbling block. The HDD (originally installed by the factory) is not in the same position as advised in the guides. My HDD seems to be in the lower bay (or upper bay depending on how you look at it), and connected to the second port on the logic board, not the first. .
I have attached a photo showing its position, as you can see, it is recessed down. All the pictures from the guides show the HDD inline with the logic board.
Preferably, I want to replace this with a 256GB Samsung Evo SSD. Alternatively, I am open to the idea of adding this as a second drive, and then booting from the SSD and using the HDD for storage.
Any guidance would be appreciated!
I had a spare SSD lying around, and thought I'd use it to lease new life into my Mac Mini 2012 with a 500GB HDD. A few years back, I upgraded to 16GB of RAM (from the factory 4GB), but I needed a new challenge!
Looking around, there are plenty of guides advising how to upgrade the HDD in the Mac Mini to an SSD. However, I soon came across a stumbling block. The HDD (originally installed by the factory) is not in the same position as advised in the guides. My HDD seems to be in the lower bay (or upper bay depending on how you look at it), and connected to the second port on the logic board, not the first. .
I have attached a photo showing its position, as you can see, it is recessed down. All the pictures from the guides show the HDD inline with the logic board.
Preferably, I want to replace this with a 256GB Samsung Evo SSD. Alternatively, I am open to the idea of adding this as a second drive, and then booting from the SSD and using the HDD for storage.
Any guidance would be appreciated!