The 10GbE NIC in my mini 2018 keeps dropping the connection and stating that the cable is no longer connected when run in Windows 10 1903.
The only way to restore the connection is to power off and then power on again. A reboot does not restore the connection. I've tried the older iMac Pro driver as well as the newer Aquantia driver. All 3 drivers fail.
It appears as though this is due to overheating when using the NIC in BootCamp. I don't have the issue in either Mojave or Catalina DP3.
Anyone else experiencing this and does anyone have any suggestions as to how to fix?
If it did the same thing in macOS then I'd put it down to hardware, but it seems more like it is to do with fans not kicking in when running BootCamp.
If you have this issue please log it with Apple. That is the only way we're going to get a fix for this:
The only way to restore the connection is to power off and then power on again. A reboot does not restore the connection. I've tried the older iMac Pro driver as well as the newer Aquantia driver. All 3 drivers fail.
It appears as though this is due to overheating when using the NIC in BootCamp. I don't have the issue in either Mojave or Catalina DP3.
Anyone else experiencing this and does anyone have any suggestions as to how to fix?
If it did the same thing in macOS then I'd put it down to hardware, but it seems more like it is to do with fans not kicking in when running BootCamp.
If you have this issue please log it with Apple. That is the only way we're going to get a fix for this:
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