Working workaround:
Fairly new Mac Mini, and our only display is a 2019 Samsun 50" TV.
The TV says "No Signal" whether using a HDMI cable from the HDMI port, or the USB-3 to HDMI cable.
I found one way to make it work:
1. Make sure Mac Mini is switched off
2. Turn the TV on, and select another HDMI port (whether there's a signal or not, doesn't matter)
3. Click the Source button on the TV remote control, and arrow to the side to highlight the HDMI port number where the Mac Mini is connected to
4. Click the "enter" button on the remote, to select that HDMI port number, while simultaneously switching the Mac Mini on.
When doing this, all is fine - the picture comes on as it should.
Anything else I do, any combination of cable I try, doesn't work. But this seems to consistently work.
My guess is that the Mac Mini is looking for an HDMI when it's starting, as the TV is looking for an HDMI source when you select that input. They apparently only do that for a few seconds (maybe 10 seconds?), and if they don't do it at the same time - no picture. The TV will say "no signal" and give up. The Mac Mini will say "No HDMI connected", and also give up.
Not ideal, but at least I have found a consistent way to make it work.
Anyone else with HDMI problems on a Mac Mini, please try this procedure and see if it works. If it works to fix this, Apple and/or Samsung should be able to "meet somewhere in the middle" and make a permanent fix for this problem. One more guess: They will both blame the other party for not conforming to whatever standards rule HDMI ...