Thank you
I normally was leaving it on day and night, but in the last week I started to look under and over which might have jiggled the dust. Do you know, by any chance, if there is a video that I bring up to help me do the cleaning part?
Thinking about it, it isn't as warm sense I turned it upside down, I never even thought about the dust.
Dear Patth9,
leaving it on 24/7 for 7 years surely explains something .. dust most certainly being the culprit (if not the cooling fan itself)
Honestly, I do not like the idea of using compressed air in that kind of scenario very much because in doing so you would push collected dust even further in an already dust infested system
what you want to do is to get rid of the dust and out of the system, not further into it
from my point of view, taking apart your machine and cleaning the interested parts is the only way to solve of the problem
I took my Mac mini 2009 apart a couple of times to upgrade ram and install a SSD and came across the cooling fan, but the 2012 design is somewhat different and I am not able to provide first-hand experience
my best advice at this point would be to ask help from someone who has opened and cleaned 2012 Mac minis before
at this point I even would recommend replacing the cooling fan / unit after such long working hours, instead of just cleaning it
and while they're at it: let them replace the thermal paste on the cpu too (and install a SSD)