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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2021
Hi All

I am having problems finding out how to resolve the above.

My Mac Mini is running pretty slow and RAM is soldered in - so no possible upgrade there. Hope to go for new SSD soon. But while I save up for that option- is there a way to increase the space allocated for the virtual memory (Swap File). Looked around the internet but cannot find a solution. Lack of space on start-up disk is not an issue. 500Gb HDD only has OS X 14.6 and three apps on it less than 1Gb used. All my heavy weight dat in in Cloud storage.

In fact I have to say that most posts and articles are contradictory. Some say easy peasy - but are not accessible - EG: Click on Apple - top left click on Control Panel, click memory tab??? Not on my Mac.

"To use more virtual memory capacity, go to the Apple menu select C ontrol Panel . Then select the Memory panel and navigate to the Virtual Memory area. Please check if the system is using 128MB capacity, otherwise increase it to 128MB. If the system is currently using 128MB of virtual memory.

You can also choose to increase this capacity if you want the computer to work faster (for example, double this number) and then close the Memory panel and restart the system to apply the changes. for the system."

Full article here:

While others say the Mac takes the space it needs automatically without human interference.

Clearly not as alert from Mac Cleaner still says RAM & Swap nearly full!!!

Any ideas?

I suspect that's a really old article, since they talk about 128MB of memory. ;)

I wonder if your hard drive is starting to fail? I had a 2012 Mini with the 500gb internal drive and set it up to boot from an external SSD. That worked really well, but after awhile I started getting lots of errors from the internal hard drive (which wasn't even being used), causing it to crash. Eventually just gave up on it, wasn't worth the effort to fix.

Thanks for reply.

I did suspect that being an old article but couldn't find anything model specific.
I suppose failing HDD is only other likely diagnosis.

At least installing an NMVe SSD is relatively straight forward (but pricey) solution.


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