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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 19, 2014
So I have had my mini for a little under a year and about one month back it started to become unresponsive when coming out of sleep mode (I activated it by moving the mouse) but only recently has something gone wrong to this proportion. About 2 days back it wouldn't send any video to my screen. I have a viewsonic from like 2010 idk it's exact model but it stopped showing anything for no reason. My mac is my most prized possession and I cared for it really well but no it just stopped working. I use a hdmi to dvi converter. And it worked fine tell 2 days ago. And to add on top of that it now boots up for 30 seconds then turns off. (I see the light) I already tried all the keyboard shortcuts but I can't do much because of my lack of a screen obviously. The only way for it to stay on for more then 30 seconds is for me to hold windows+r. Then a British guy says press enter if you want your main language to be English. I'm stuck here for now not knowing whether it's my moniter not working display, my hdmi to dvi cable not sending info, and on top of that I have to deal with the power problem for my mac. I called apple support and I did restart unplug Yada Yada and I can see my macs in sleep mode so maybe I have the power fixed but I can't tell because I'm getting no video. All help I welcome I really need it seeing as I'm homeschooled and my life revolves around this little cube (late 2012 Mac mini) also I've heard that mac minis and viewsonic a don't get along well....
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macrumors 68000
Apr 29, 2011
I've booted into all the modes yet I can't do anything because my moniter is not working. Can you repair the disk without a screen?

Only if you can VNC into it or screen share. Did it have VNC installed before it started failing ?

Try with a TV ?
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 19, 2014
Only if you can VNC into it or screen share. Did it have VNC installed before it started failing ?

Try with a TV ?

I tried it with a tv so display is fixed, but it won't let me repair disk or fix it or verify it and I don't have a time machine backup


macrumors 68000
Apr 29, 2011
I tried it with a tv so display is fixed, but it won't let me repair disk or fix it or verify it and I don't have a time machine backup

Do you have any backups anywhere or a clone of your drive ? Internet recovery doesn't work at all ?
Has your drive system failed or have you just lost all your data etc ?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 19, 2014
So yeah display is fixed and I assumed time machine did automatic backups itself so no backups. My best bet now is to backup everything I can like my portfolio and a couple of apps etc. does this mean my mac is done? I mean I never downloaded anything sketchy and everything went to hell after I tried a bunch of keyboard shortcuts (might have something to do with it).


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 19, 2014
Again turns out my os is damage and apple will get all my memory out before we redownload os mavericks. I have no idea why it was damaged seeing as I love this mini like my son. But thank you all anyways :)
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