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Apr 13, 2021
My iMac 27" late 2013 is getting tired- I am thinking of gettin a mac mini and using the iMac as the monitor... any thoughts? Alternative would be to use laptop PC with docking station and new monitor, leaving Mac for good...
You will need to downgrade your iMac to High Sierra to do that. I’d have done the same except I also need a monitor for my work laptop which is a Windows machine. I’m planning to send the iMac to Apple for a gift card - I was quoted £270, which isn't bad given I need to keep the keyboard.

Here’s the Apple guidance
currently have Catalina on the iMac... upgraded from High Sierra - so it will not work?
good to know about Apple taking them back, thanks!
As it was discussed around here, only 2009 27" Imac via minidisplay holds a target display with M1 - not a 2013 Imac/
Unless someone found a solution - which I would love to know
My iMac 27" late 2013 is getting tired- I am thinking of gettin a mac mini and using the iMac as the monitor... any thoughts? Alternative would be to use laptop PC with docking station and new monitor, leaving Mac for good...
Why not wait until the new iMacs are released and trade in yours to upgrade? It seems a shame to leave MacOS. Or alternatively just get a standalone monitor to plug into the Mac Mini (or an MBA/MBP). Despite all the threads about problems, my Dell monitor is fine with my Mac Mini and had the advantage that it’s usable with my work Windows laptop.
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I do not know motivation of the original poster but in my case a 2012 27 Imac serves me very good for my audio needs - except I m stuck on High Sierra due a lot of plugin problems and bad performance on newer OSX.
An M1 mini would mean a huge upgrade - even a i7 6 core would be more interesting if they were on same price range and similar potential for AUDIO needs - but this also would mean being out of the new apple ecosystem - and I have to worry about lefting all the stuff it works today behind in a exchange machine....some only X86 software too.

So M1 + Imac-monitor would be a parallel option if having TDM. Not to mention the cost (0.7k to 2.5k) for a new Imac / mini comparision and all first gen problems. I understand a fresh install stuff or updating , a new Imac would be suitable or even a spacialbility , hold a second display is for those who have a proper studio room - this would be a lot of hell tasks .Luna seems to be good option , then, if it works good - but I have to seehow good is it performance on display side - imagine if M1 doesn't work well and reliable in a modern market display offering , I imagine working on a old one mirroring via blutooth.
I do not know motivation of the original poster but in my case a 2012 27 Imac serves me very good for my audio needs - except I m stuck on High Sierra due a lot of plugin problems and bad performance on newer OSX.
An M1 mini would mean a huge upgrade - even a i7 6 core would be more interesting if they were on same price range and similar potential for AUDIO needs - but this also would mean being out of the new apple ecosystem - and I have to worry about lefting all the stuff it works today behind in a exchange machine....some only X86 software too.

So M1 + Imac-monitor would be a parallel option if having TDM. Not to mention the cost (0.7k to 2.5k) for a new Imac / mini comparision and all first gen problems. I understand a fresh install stuff or updating , a new Imac would be suitable or even a spacialbility , hold a second display is for those who have a proper studio room - this would be a lot of hell tasks .Luna seems to be good option , then, if it works good - but I have to seehow good is it performance on display side - imagine if M1 doesn't work well and reliable in a modern market display offering , I imagine working on a old one mirroring via blutooth.
I am actually just looking at replacing my iMac because it is getting too slow. Mostly just using Adobe CC. No longer using Photos (iPhotos), ready to leave iMac, so i was looking at options for hooking up a PC to the iMac monitor while it works... May go for Mac Mini, or just get a new monitor and migrate completely to Windows...
Since 2018 I ve been trying to upgrade with a i7 mini (and it works as Targe Display Mode via thundeerbolt cable) . But since then, Apple vanish the sharpness of the text funcion on Mojave makes the display on TDM worst than before. If I were you, In my unimportant opinion, If you do not need Windows, I would go straight to the new Imac to avoid problems, if image is your main concern. If Windows is a must, I have a friend who has the 2020 i7 Imac - Absolute amazing , fast, reliable, ...what a computer....and quite close in terms of performance.It s been a nightmare to find a proper monitor on new come Minis too.
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