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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 9, 2010
Notes on my Mac running latest OSX will not sync, notes on the web syncs with my iPod fine, and Mail syncs normally with both the Mac and the iPod, it's just Notes that won't sync from the Mac.

I have tried all the suggestions I've found on the interwebs, including deleting the notes cache in the ~/Library/Containers folder, and also starting the Mac in Safe mode and then restarting. I have also tried turning off Notes and turning it back on in the iCloud prefs on the Mac. None of these did anything.

I tried turning it off and then on again on the iPod and when I turned it off it deleted the notes and when I turned it back on it downloaded them again. But this did not work for the Mac. Then I tried to check the Accounts in Notes pref which took me to the Internet accounts in System prefs where I discovered Notes was unchecked whereas it was check under Notes in the iCloud Sytem prefs!, but that did not work, then I tried adding a new account in the Notes menu on mac, which was not signed in although I'm signed in everywhere else. I thought that must be the problem for sure. But it's still not working.

I can add a note on the net and it pushes to my iPod but I cannot get OS X 10.10.5 to push a Note to the net or pull one down.

I just tried 'Reminders' on the Mac, and it pushed it instantly to the Cloud, then to my iPod, so I cannot work out what the problem is with Notes on the Mac.

I have exhausted everything I can think of so if anyone has any other ideas let me know.
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Did you go to System Preferences->iCloud pane and switch off syncing Notes or click it off then clicking it back on (after about 5 minute so)? This helps it you choose to replace all iCloud Notes data!
Maybe you have more then one Note account on your device. Because if you have gmail account set up notes gmail account is also set up and is same for other mail providers. Check on your iPod notes under which account they are saved.
You have on this device, icloud and also you can have gmail yahoo hotmail exchange notes and so on.
if they are under icloud and you have same account on your mac for iCloud and notes sync is ON. you will see them.
@CZ86 No, I've only got the single Note account.
@satcomer Yeah, I've done that but not for 5 mins but I've tried it now and it has not worked.
I'm going to do a clean install of El Capitan over the next few days and I'll report back here if the problem is solved or not.
Yes please let me know, also you can sign out from your iCloud account on your computer and sign in, and see if that resolve the issue.
Yes please let me know, also you can sign out from your iCloud account on your computer and sign in, and see if that resolve the issue.

All working fast and smooth in El Capitan. As soon as I opened Notes on the mac somehow it had all these old notes in it from a few days ago when I was testing it. Then they were immediately on my iPod. What is strange though is that I did a clean install and did not bring any stuff over, so I am a bit mystified as to how these old notes were in the Notes app on the Mac.
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