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Narked Diver

macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 8, 2014

Normally I develop on my windows machine using eclipse (yuk) but I'm looking to start tinkering around on my Mac mini

I typically develop in java script, xml, freemarker, groovy, css and java so I'm looking for recommendations for an Mac OS IDE that can handle these languages

Thanks in advance
Text Wrangler, it is a text editor, but does have highlighting for all of those languages, and is pretty awesome.

I also use Espresso for web development, finding its CSS tools pretty damn good.
I stopped using IDEs a few years ago. Though, I was once very enthusiastic about them. My first I think was Instant-C - it was a revolution! (Really, more about it being an incrementally-compiler for C that eliminated a lot of waiting...) I've used Eclipse a lot, and good riddance! Once a year, I would start over with the latest release, and then not touch the fiddly thing once I got all the plugins I wanted. And Aptana was a great environment for Ruby on Rails development for a time - I got my boss at Sony to get me a license, and slowly most of our whole group (about 10 developers) were won-over. (Aptana was - at least at the time - really Eclipse with a pre-configured set of plugins.)

But there was a stingy group of them that used just a fancy editor, and they were quite passionate about it. Textmate. I found this a bit strange and retro, but didn't think much more about it, since - as a contractor - I got a PC running Windows. The regular employees got Macs. Textmate only ran on Macs.

Today I use Sublime Text. It runs on MacOS, Windows, or Linux. It's funny, as I stopped having any use for Windows years ago (though I have a VM. Maybe every 6 months I fire up the VM to update Windows, then put it back to sleep...). Frankly, Linux is the same for me now, though I have some reason for keeping it around, as I might have some call to do some server-side work that I somehow can't develop on MacOS...

Sublime Text was inspired by Textmate, but cross-platform. There are plugins for every popular and many unpopular languages. Really, it does about everything that an IDE does, and so the line is pretty blurred. I don't think I would go back to an IDE.
I use TextMate...some people don't like it, a lot of folks in web development use BBEdit. If you want to remain cross-platform, Sublime Text is what a lot of people use.
I would recommend the JetBrains products as well.

The one big advantage over a text editor I find is when it comes to refactoring - particularly with type safe languages like Java. ES6 support is getting better and better as well with lots of useful hints.

For a text editor Atom is generally preferred these days although I also find VS Code perfect acceptable as well. Both are built with Electron.

As others noted, using a text editor can be pretty awesome for an IDE-like experience. Atom is free and open source and you can install packages that support the syntax highlighting and running code as needed ( Depending on the language you can also install packages that support Go-To.
Back in June i switched from Windows to 100% development on the Mac (ok, I still use VirtualBox sometimes). I kept eclipse as my JEE IDE, but use sublime text and textwrangler for dealing with files outside the Java world.

Half our office uses IntelliJ IDEA and they are fanatic about it. For me it wasn't worth the effort to learn all the tips and tricks considering most shops use Eclipse.
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