I have a 2010 MBP running Sierra (10.12.6). I can't upgrade the OS any more as it's not supported. I am really trying to get another year or two out of this machine. So the problem is this thing crashes constantly. Sometimes 2-3 times in an hour. Sometime I can go 2 days without crashes. I have tried everything. I have a ton of hard drive space, and I have all the bells and whistles turned off. Done the pram and all that. Fun first aid etc. It usually happens when I'm in Photoshop and have to zoom in on something, or when I'm in Safari (sometimes but not always when viewing an enlarged image). There are no software updates available and haven't been for a while. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem? If I could just prevent this machine from crashing I know I could get a couple more years out of it!