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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

AppleInsider provides a look at Apple's implementation of Spaces in their upcoming Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and the origins of such virtual workspaces.
Spaces in Leopard -- like any virtual desktop system -- allows the user more room for their windows to live in. As with any other platform, Apple had to address two inherent problems with virtual desktops: third party developer support and user complexity.

The author believes that Apple successfully addressed both issues to make Spaces a useful addition to Mac OS X.

Apple also provides a dedicated page describing the new feature of Leopard as well as a Quicktime movie demonstrating the feature.

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard is expected to be released this month.

Article Link
I am so looking forward to this.

I am so sick of the current solutions switching virutal spaces incorrectly when I open doc type X in space Y when application Z is was first opened in Y.

Now that apple is standardizing virutal desktops windows should finally open in their correct spots.

I want to know the keyboard shortcuts for this sucker.

I still find application hiding and Exposé to work quite well.
I think this is one feature I'm really looking forward to using, especially on a macbook pro.

Very cool.
I want to know the keyboard shortcuts for this sucker.

I still find application hiding and Exposé to work quite well.

I set my middle mouse button as the shortcut.Simply clicking it gives me a birds eye view of all the spaces.Clicking again takes me back to where I was or where I'm going.
I set my middle mouse button as the shortcut.Simply clicking it gives me a birds eye view of all the spaces.Clicking again takes me back to where I was or where I'm going.
I thought you'd be able to set it to a mouse button.

Definitely quad core Mac time for this.
I thought you'd be able to set it to a mouse button.

Definitely quad core Mac time for this.

How about a "one core per desktop" mode, allowing easy user CPU allocation?

Example (Core Duo Mac):
- put Handbrake in a space by itself to give it a whole CPU to encode a DVD
- put all your other apps in another space to share your other CPU
I must say, Spaces is one of the things I'd really see myself using a lot, however I wonder if I'd forget about conversations going on in different spaces too ? Quite likely.

I had a dream last night that Spaces really got me organized better than ever before.

in your dream, was it October or November?

did you notice ical in your dream? was it still october?!:D

HAHA... that put a smile on my face.

I set my middle mouse button as the shortcut.Simply clicking it gives me a birds eye view of all the spaces.Clicking again takes me back to where I was or where I'm going.

I'm not sure if I'd want to swap out Exposé for Spaces, as that's currently what I have my middle mouse button set as... when I'm using a mouse.
I really like these Apple Insider features, but for heck's sake, I WANT A RELEASE DATE, so I can go out and buy my MBP and get a copy of Leopard via up to date....

BTW- Are they technically allowed to do these without violating their NDA, or is apple turning a blind eye, because it's free, very positive, advertising?
Never Limit Handbrake's Access To All The Cores It Can Eat

How about a "one core per desktop" mode, allowing easy user CPU allocation?

Example (Core Duo Mac):
- put Handbrake in a space by itself to give it a whole CPU to encode a DVD
- put all your other apps in another space to share your other CPU
That's a bad example since Handbrake can use all available cores to crush As Fast As Possible (AFAP) and many other applications only need a small fraction of a core to run. Handbrake and Toast would be the last things I would ever want to limit core access to.

Mail on the other hand, now there's a CORE HOG if I ever saw one - I would love to limit Mail to 25% of a core if I could.
Interesting article, Spaces in one of the features of Leopard that I am really looking forward too. Think this will probably be my most used part of Leopard apart from the updated Finder.
Interestingly, Microsoft delivered its first support for multiple physical monitors in 2001 with Windows XP, fifteen years after Apple delivered it on the Mac. That suggests that Microsoft may deliver support for multiple desktops like Leopard's new Spaces at some point in the future, perhaps in the early 2020s.

Funny. I'm very excited about Spaces though. Having multiple desktops is the one thing I missed when I switched from Linux.
Very nice! I first used work spaces waaaay back in my HP-UX days almost ten years ago. (damn, I feel old)

HP-UX's Visual User Environment defaulted to six workspaces but the number was configuable.

Nice work, Apple!
Looks like the best implementation of a virtual desktop. Perhaps Quicklook will be the topic for Friday as we wait for the official shipping date. I wish I could dream about it. It hasn't even shipped in my dreams yet.

Hopefully by Friday or Monday, some small HTML file will change on the Apple site that mentions a shipping date and a countdown.
Mail on the other hand, now there's a CORE HOG if I ever saw one - I would love to limit Mail to 25% of a core if I could.

I don't know about 25%, but if you start it from Terminal like this:
nice /Applications/ &

it will be given a lower CPU priority than other programs.
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