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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 20, 2016
I've had my Apple iBook G4 for a long time, but the one real problem I've had is lack of games, I've searched everywhere and have read list of games that are suppose to work on it just to find that the game I wanted on that same list isn't available for download anymore or doesn't actually work for a Power PC Mac, Like I tried to get Tux Racer a game that is said to work on the PPC Mac, found a download but it isn't compiled or something for the PPC and though I've used computers for years I'm not a person who knows how to compile anything.

However I'm not looking for a whole lot of games, or even high ends ones I just want some basic games for my PPC Mac. I actually have a Small List.

I would like to find for the PPC Mac

A Mahjong Solitaire Game
A Freecell Game "WindowsUser" but yes I love Freecell
Possibly a working version of Tux Racer or any racing game that works

and that is it except when I was in school many years ago they had Mac's that we used for computer classes and on there was a game called Diamonds it's not like Break Out your ball bounced around inside a completed square of levels where you had to eliminate blocks and find keys for the next level and you could make your on levels but I've search all over the internet and have never found that game for the Mac. If I could find that one Diamonds game for the Power PC I'd really be happy..

Other than that anyone know of any good games for the PPC Mac that aren't over complicated to get working.. I want ones that you just install and don't have to fix anything or compile. Please help..

I should have been more specific in my specifications I am running leopard 10.5.8 so I can't run any classic games they have to be solely for the Mac Power PC, however with a little searching I did find Burning Monkey Mahjong at Macintosh Garden, but no luck for Freecell. The Tux Racer they have does have an App that when extracted indicates that it'll run on my G4 but when I click on it it says it caused an error and must quit and that is all it does I've searched everywhere to try and get a version of that game that works with no success. The only game I did have that worked is called Torcs a racing simulator game and I have the Mac PPC Version of Flight Gear a Flight Simulator.

Thanks for the suggestions I'll keep looking to see what else I can find. That is one down.

I like just found a better Race Game, SuperTux Kart and it works for the Power PC so that is two down now if I could just find a freecell or solitaire suit game..
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EDIT: i found a nicer freecell game on macintoshgarden: it works on leopard and does have a lot of other solitaire games

I'm uploading tux racer... as soon as it finishes I will edit my reply ;)

2nd EDIT: here's the link!

Awesome Thank You. I can't believe I found so many games for my iBook finally, I didn't find a Freecell last night but on the uptodown site I found a solitaire game called Solitaire XL and even found a Pac-Man game, Pac the Man X. In order to get the Pac-Man game for PPC you have to look down near the bottom of the page where it says Previous Versions and get version V1.1.3 that is the one that works on a power Mac.

And of course there is Super Tux you have to love Tux. lol

I even started a games folder in my Applications so my problem is solved, Thank you and to all a Merry Christmas.

P.S. On that Uptodown Site sometimes it has Trouble when searching so you have to keep refreshing it til it works. Usually if you click to reload it and click on resend it works.
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