I had six 4TB drives internally and seven more 4TB drives externally connected.
That's 24TB internal and 28TB external for a total of 52TB.
Currently I have six 3TB drives connected internally and two 3TB external.
If there's a 2TB limit someone forgot to tell my MacPro1,1 about it.
And I've had them all configured every way you can imaging.
Partitioned RAID, All (external + Internal) RAIDed, Several individual RAID sets, all individual drives. Multiple RAID stripes with internal + external members.
All chipset supported RAID level configurations was tested too: 0, 1, and 10. Reading up on the hardware specs also supports this as true. If you notice the sentence says: "Apple formally supports up to 2 TB of storage..." and that mean Apple didn't sell upgrade "kits" officially beyond that size. But AFAIK that's not the hardware spec.
Didn't Apple say the same kind of things about RAM for that machine too - and for the same reasons? I think all they "formally support" is like 8GB or 16 GB. But I'm running 32GB and I've seen MP1,1 systems running 64GB.
Why they don't offer more probably has something to do with revision differentials. I mean is all the 1,1 can "officially do" is 2TG and 8GB then they can say the MP3,1 can "officially do" 8TB and 32GB and it sounds like such a nice upgrade. Heh! Marketing...