Okay so I'm at a bit of a dilemma. My Macbook Pro is running a bit sluggish with anything dealing with video, and photography it's also starting to show some age (the thing's nearing it's four year mark, though, it's not unusable, just noticeably slower) and I'm looking to get a desktop mac to replace it for hard work (video editing specifically since I'm starting to use After Effects more)
I was thinking of purchasing a near maxed retina iMac (buying RAM aftermarket, of course) but I recently looked into the mid-2012 Mac Pros on ebay and saw I could purchase a 12 core 5,1 for literally half the price. So then a bit more research and I saw: oh, I can install a 980 in this. So now I'm thinking, what would be the best, 'bang for my buck' machine?
A few specific questions I had in regards to all of this as well, is one, could I possibly get thunderbolt 2 on this? I use thunderbolt drives at the moment, so there's that need. Two, how many monitors could I link up to this machine? I typically use a cintiq with my Macbook Pro, however, I want to wallmount an old TV (I replaced it with a newer one in my living room) and keep a general newsfeed on that in my office, along with adding in either one or two extra monitors, most likely aftermarket Cinema Displays. Not sure, I just know I want them to be QHD at least if I'm not going to have a 5k display with the iMac.
Any thoughts on the situation? This would be my first Mac Pro, however, I've used an iMac before, to clarify. I do also own a desktop PC, so I know basics about building hardware and such. I just like the workflow on MacOS more than I do on Windows.
I was thinking of purchasing a near maxed retina iMac (buying RAM aftermarket, of course) but I recently looked into the mid-2012 Mac Pros on ebay and saw I could purchase a 12 core 5,1 for literally half the price. So then a bit more research and I saw: oh, I can install a 980 in this. So now I'm thinking, what would be the best, 'bang for my buck' machine?
A few specific questions I had in regards to all of this as well, is one, could I possibly get thunderbolt 2 on this? I use thunderbolt drives at the moment, so there's that need. Two, how many monitors could I link up to this machine? I typically use a cintiq with my Macbook Pro, however, I want to wallmount an old TV (I replaced it with a newer one in my living room) and keep a general newsfeed on that in my office, along with adding in either one or two extra monitors, most likely aftermarket Cinema Displays. Not sure, I just know I want them to be QHD at least if I'm not going to have a 5k display with the iMac.
Any thoughts on the situation? This would be my first Mac Pro, however, I've used an iMac before, to clarify. I do also own a desktop PC, so I know basics about building hardware and such. I just like the workflow on MacOS more than I do on Windows.