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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 20, 2016
I've had my air for about three years, it's great. But it's always running out of space. I think it's about 60GB, and I don't really store anything on it! 8gb of apps, 5gb of imap mail, that' it. The rest is system files etc. I always struggle to delete caches what not. Exasperated. Any tips? thanks.
thanks Tube, I think I'd be the $79, but what would installation cost? Also I only need a another 100 - 200 GBS is there an even more economical option? Lastly, did you notice the jump from $79 to $350 why so much for new newer date?
I've had my air for about three years, it's great. But it's always running out of space. I think it's about 60GB, and I don't really store anything on it! 8gb of apps, 5gb of imap mail, that' it. The rest is system files etc. I always struggle to delete caches what not. Exasperated. Any tips? thanks.

Don't sync iTunes to it (stream), don't back up iphones/ipads/ipods to it (use iCloud) and try to limit your apps to what you actually need. Consider running things you don't need all the time from USB stick (i'd suggest SD card, but the 11" doesn't have a slot).

Consider DasiyDisk or similar (app store) to find out where your space is hiding.

But yes, even a 128 GB machine is a little tight these days.

also maybe turn off time machine local backups, from a terminal window:

# sudo tmutil disablelocal
Thanks Thou
I do everything you say. I really don't use the laptop for much, and btw it only came with 60! No time machine. It's just down to the bone. I do see 6GB in private folders of which I have no idea what's going on. Oh.. quesiton: what about the fact I just added 50GB to my icloud account, could I move something over there off the hardrive?
What year air is it? You can probably get an upgrade SSD for it. That will be the best option, i'd suggest 256 GB to get some breathing space - with 128 you'll still have to be pretty stingy with what you store on it, 256 is a lot less stress.
I have Whatsize app, which does same thing...
Well, then you should know more specific than system files, what is using up your space. It could be mail and all kinds of app-data hidden your personal library folder. You could backup your stuff and do a clean install.

That said 64GB not much and you should consider if an upgrade is worth it vs buying a new(er) machine.
quesiton: what about the fact I just added 50GB to my icloud account, could I move something over there off the hardrive?
Actually that might be part of your problem, because it is a syncing service, which keeps a local copy on your machine. To avoid that you must disable iCloud Drive on your machine in iCloud preferences. But then you will have to upload/download every document you want to use through the homepage, Which kind of kill the convenience. Other cloud services like DropBox/Mega/google drive/onedrive etc. allows you to do selective sync of folders. (They also have many other nice features that iCloud drive are missing like crossplatform, sharefiles etc. which makes iCloud drive is no go for me).
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^^ yup that too.

I seriously suggest upgrading your drive if you can. You're a the point where you're going to have to start disabling significant functionality and screwing around with regular maintenance tasks to fit into 64 GB, which somewhat defeats the purpose of running a Mac.
^^ yup that too.

I seriously suggest upgrading your drive if you can. You're a the point where you're going to have to start disabling significant functionality and screwing around with regular maintenance tasks to fit into 64 GB, which somewhat defeats the purpose of running a Mac.
[doublepost=1459662273][/doublepost]Thanks guys, what is price for 100 to 250 gb, and who should I go to (I'm in LA ) to install and how much would that be about? ANd first I do a clone to an external and then clone it back?

Did Apple drop the ball giving on 60gb?
Two usefull apps:

  • daisy disk (tells you how the storage is used)
  • gemini (finds duplicate files)
Did Apple drop the ball giving on 60gb?

I'd say that the 64 GB was purely to get the headline price of $999 back in the day. It was to get people in the door, and the 128 was the realistic minimum you'd want.

Buying 64 GB was questionable in 2010, it really depends on what you're doing with the machine, but yeah, even 128 is questionable in my opinion.

As you've discovered, OS X plus a few apps takes up near enough to 50 GB, throw a few photos and videos off your iPhone or iTunes on it and you'll fill 128 pretty quick especially if you want any space for time machine local backups.
thanks Tube, I think I'd be the $79, but what would installation cost? Also I only need a another 100 - 200 GBS is there an even more economical option? Lastly, did you notice the jump from $79 to $350 why so much for new newer date?
Which year MacBook Air do you have?
Mine is Nov 2012. I can't remember what was offered, but this issue did not become an issue until recently. I think part of it is I went pop to imap, which stores another 6GB on the hardrive.
Mine is Nov 2012. I can't remember what was offered, but this issue did not become an issue until recently. I think part of it is I went pop to imap, which stores another 6GB on the hardrive.
Check the "about this mac" to make sure you got the right model.

It's super easy to install the SSD yourself. The page where you buy the SSD has installation videos.

Get the screwdriver also:
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