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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 25, 2018
Lately I've been what I would call frequent crashes on my 2012 MacBook Air. I've taken it to an Apple Store and the only thing they could find wrong with it was the battery is bad. Would a bad battery cause the MBA to crash? I have a video of what happens but not sure how to upload to this thread?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 25, 2018
When you say crash, do you mean it has a kernel panic, it freezes and can't be unfrozen without a hard reboot, or?
I would say the screen has pixelation (if that's a word) and yes I have to do a hard reboot.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 25, 2018
Thanks. I took it to an Apple Store (Genius Bar) and they ran some tests. The only thing they found that was wrong with it was the Battery needs to be replaced but they said as long as you don't mind having it connected to a power source all the time it should be fine. I'm guessing they checked the RAM and the SSD but I'm no computer expert so I really have no idea. I continue to experience these crashes. I do have a video of what's happening now so maybe I will make another appointment and show them what's happening.


macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2017
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Personally, I have found that the diagnostics run at the Apple store or not thorough enough to isolate or find issues.

I still recommend running the memtest first.

Even if they see the video, they'll probably offer a logic board replacement which will cost more than the MacBook is worth.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 25, 2018
Personally, I have found that the diagnostics run at the Apple store or not thorough enough to isolate or find issues.

I still recommend running the memtest first.

Even if they see the video, they'll probably offer a logic board replacement which will cost more than the MacBook is worth.
Ok. I will try that but I’m not very computer savvy so hopefully it’s pretty self explanatory.


Jun 15, 2017
Rockville, MD
Never heard of a bad battery causing crashes or pixelation on the screen.

Pixelation is typically caused by the video card and can cause crashes and freezes. Thus the logic board has to be replaced.

Test the ram first. If it passes.
Then find a gpu stress tool and run it. If its a gpu issue, you laptop will crash and freeze with in a minute.

Could also be a cooling issue. Take it to local computer shop and ask them to replace thermal paste and clean the heatsink.
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