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- rob -

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 18, 2012
Oakland, CA
This is odd. My otherwise reliable 2018 MBA is acting like it is dead. I’ve tried plugging it into power from the eGPU it always uses and official power cords and bricks, (I have two).

I went to try the SMc reset a few times and nothing. No chimes, no signs of life.

I’m stumped. I had thought it just died, but I’ve let it charge at least an hour on various cord setups and outlets that aught to be fine.

I have not updated to the newest macos, but was otherwise up to date prior to the release.

- rob -

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 18, 2012
Oakland, CA
Hm, I had thought it had a chime. But yes I did the smc reset and went through troubleshooting w Apple support.

Strangely they also wanted me to try the smc reset for the non-t2.

They set me up with a Genius Bar appointment for Monday.

A shame, I rely on this machine for work.

The strange thing about my sequence was:

I let the machine run out or run very low on battery.

I plugged a genuine usb cable into an iPhone 11 pro power brick for about 20 minutes.

I realized later that this is not compatible w MacBooks, but didn’t think it would damage it.

Thats when I started trying my various normal charging methods and failed.

The 18w is the only odd thing about a normal use of the machine. May have nothing to do with the issue.
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- rob -

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 18, 2012
Oakland, CA
Quick follow up on this. I took it in and they sent it out for repair. Replaced the logic board, Touch ID and I/O cable. No charge due to Apple care.

very strange. Also, lost some data due to the hd being soldered on. Realized I need to be running time machine.
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