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Original poster
Apr 10, 2008
Hey guys my sister's MBA started shutting off on its own repeatedly during normal use. also something really weird she put it to charge over night the other day but the battery didn't move from 41%..... So my initial thought is that she needs a battery replacement, but she doesnt use her laptop much so it can't have that many cycles for a 2013...... Then I noticed something else happening there would be an area that turns white on the desktop every time I moved the mouse while using safari (seems like a graphics card issue)..... anyway I made a genius appointment but I have a feeling it will be an issue bigger than just the battery. How much does an MBA battery replacement cost? and if its worse like a logic board issue, how much will that be?

unfortunately she did not buy applecare past the first year. (she should know better i know :()
If it's out of warranty, start by purchasing $60 battery and replace it on your own. If it won't solve the shutting down problem (although I doubt it), you can almost always return it if you buy it from ebay or amazon.
*Update* I took it to the genius bar and after running some tests he determined that the logic board needed replacing. it would normally cost $492 but he put a note in there saying I would get it for free. That was really nice of him... not sure if there is a recall out on these or not, but either way I am happy with the result.
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