As I mentioned earlier in another post, I'm looking for new machine.
I got SP3 from work so it's purpose is solely personal use, being:
- e-mail
- browsing
- working on my start-up
- personal administration
- music and photo's
The most important two features for me:
- ultraportable
- durable
- straightforward
- good keyboard
This brings me to the MBA11.
However, I'm wondering whether or not it still worth it to buy the MBA11.
I did some research and I think there are roughly two options:
OPTION 1: Apple will ditch the MBA
With both the iPad pro and the 2015 MB, the MBA might lose it's place in the Apple store.
For me this means: buy now. Since I find the 2015 MB too expensive.
OPTION 2: Apple will come out with new MBA's in 2016.
In this case it won't be smart to buy now since the MBA is already half it's lifecycle.
What do yo guys think? Still worth to buy the MBA11, or will I regret this in 2016
when a better MBA comes out for the same price?
Thanks in advance!
I got SP3 from work so it's purpose is solely personal use, being:
- browsing
- working on my start-up
- personal administration
- music and photo's
The most important two features for me:
- ultraportable
- durable
- straightforward
- good keyboard
This brings me to the MBA11.
However, I'm wondering whether or not it still worth it to buy the MBA11.
I did some research and I think there are roughly two options:
OPTION 1: Apple will ditch the MBA
With both the iPad pro and the 2015 MB, the MBA might lose it's place in the Apple store.
For me this means: buy now. Since I find the 2015 MB too expensive.
OPTION 2: Apple will come out with new MBA's in 2016.
In this case it won't be smart to buy now since the MBA is already half it's lifecycle.
What do yo guys think? Still worth to buy the MBA11, or will I regret this in 2016
when a better MBA comes out for the same price?
Thanks in advance!