Hey guys quick question i am replacing a 2009 Macbook Pro (8gb ran) (ssd 256) i only used about 75gb of it , and unsure if i should buy pro again or get an air. little background I a teach a night class 2 nights a week at my local college so i need a computer for online grade book , power-point , and word documents. other than that i will simply surf the web, email ,watch videos , and take online training modules. No video or photo editing and no gaming. I love my Macbook pro and its been great to me and that why i am wondering if i will be happy with the air? I can currently get a 128gb new Macbook Air for 811$ out the door , the pro same SSD configuration will cost me 1144$ i just do not know if the extra 300$ is worth it or not any advise would be appreciated.