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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 6, 2011

I've got a late 2008 MacBook aluminum unibody.

This summer I have installed an optical bay caddy, and installed there a OCZ Vertex 3. I then made a clean install of Lion into the SSD.

Since the beginning I've been getting these freezes, the whole system freezes (the seconds on the clock doesn't move and everything is unresponsive, not even the mouse), for about 30-40 seconds. These freezes are completely random and can't be associated to any activity in particular.

I'd like to have some opinions on this, I have no idea what it is, maybe it's Lion, maybe it's the original HDD (which I still use in the traditional HDD bay), maybe it's the SSD (maybe it shouldn't be in the optical bay, maybe it's because it doesn't have TRIM support or some other incompatibility with Apple's drives, n.f.i. :confused:).

Just hope someone can help me out here, the freezes are not that annoying, there are some days they don't even occur, there are days the happen twice, it varies and normally it doesn't bother me that much, however I'm very fearful for the "well-being" of my MacBook and the consistency of my data. :(

I've got a late 2008 MacBook aluminum unibody.

This summer I have installed an optical bay caddy, and installed there a OCZ Vertex 3. I then made a clean install of Lion into the SSD.

Since the beginning I've been getting these freezes, the whole system freezes (the seconds on the clock doesn't move and everything is unresponsive, not even the mouse), for about 30-40 seconds. These freezes are completely random and can't be associated to any activity in particular.

I'd like to have some opinions on this, I have no idea what it is, maybe it's Lion, maybe it's the original HDD (which I still use in the traditional HDD bay), maybe it's the SSD (maybe it shouldn't be in the optical bay, maybe it's because it doesn't have TRIM support or some other incompatibility with Apple's drives, n.f.i. :confused:).

Just hope someone can help me out here, the freezes are not that annoying, there are some days they don't even occur, there are days the happen twice, it varies and normally it doesn't bother me that much, however I'm very fearful for the "well-being" of my MacBook and the consistency of my data. :(

im not really understanding... but i see that you converted your optical drive into a SSD, but what a about the original hard drive? do you still have your hard drive?

the main HD is set as primary and i don't think you can set your SSD as primary... is your copy of lion on the SSD or main HD?
im not really understanding... but i see that you converted your optical drive into a SSD, but what a about the original hard drive? do you still have your hard drive?

the main HD is set as primary and i don't think you can set your SSD as primary... is your copy of lion on the SSD or main HD?

OK I'll try to explain myself better.

... maybe it's the original HDD (which I still use in the traditional HDD bay), ...
I still have my original hard drive.

I then made a clean install of Lion into the SSD.
My copy of Lion is on the SSD.
Did you install TRIMEnabler? Installing that did the same thing to my system. Uninstalling it fixed the problem.
Hmmm never though of checking... will definitely do the next time it happens!
I'm just back from a freeze, this is what I got:

Oct 16 18:57:07 macbook kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
Oct 16 18:57:37: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Oct 16 19:03:46 macbook kernel[0]: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2

NOTE: the freeze was around 19:03:55 and it unfroze around 19:04:46.

I decided to look in system.log and this is what I've found:

Oct 16 18:58:11 macbook osascript[4987]: Performance: Please update this scripting addition to supply a value for ThreadSafe for each event handler: "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SIMBL.osax"
Oct 16 19:02:58 macbook hidd[75]: IOHIDEventQueueEnqueue: Error enqueuing memory. (e00002e8) 
Oct 16 19:03:42: --- last message repeated 19 times ---
Oct 16 19:03:00 macbook hidd[75]: IOHIDEventQueueEnqueue: Error enqueuing memory. (e00002e8) 
Oct 16 19:03:43: --- last message repeated 44 times ---
Oct 16 19:03:43 macbook [0x0-0x1bd1bd].com.adiumX.adiumX[4968]: ** (process:4968): CRITICAL **: msn_object_get_sha1: assertion `obj != NULL' failed
Oct 16 19:03:43 macbook [0x0-0x1bd1bd].com.adiumX.adiumX[4968]: ** (process:4968): CRITICAL **: msn_object_find_local: assertion `sha1 != NULL' failed
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3ca0310, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3c9fa80
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3a9e450, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3a9e560
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3cab590, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3cab570
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3aa6a40, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3aa71f0
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3ceab60, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3cf8680
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3ce2720, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3cf54f0
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3ce2ff0, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3ca2760
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3ca1f40, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3c8e1e0
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3a9e480, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3ad8cf0
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3a6b420, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3a6ef00
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3ca0e10, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3cf1f70
Oct 16 19:04:18 macbook [0x0-0x9d09d][1141]: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x3a6ee50, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x3a6b580
Oct 16 19:04:37 macbook login[5012]: USER_PROCESS: 5012 ttys000

Anyone can help me out? Things don't look so good...
The times in the logs imply the system may still be running just fine while your "freeze" happens. Does music stop playing? If you change the volume, do you hear the normal feedback? Can you hook up a second display? Does it keep going, or does it freeze to?
The times in the logs imply the system may still be running just fine while your "freeze" happens. Does music stop playing? If you change the volume, do you hear the normal feedback? Can you hook up a second display? Does it keep going, or does it freeze to?

I cannot hook up a second display, I'm away from home, but the as for the other questions the system is completely unresponsive, audio stops and no interaction whatsoever is answered.

I'll pay attention though and next time it happens I'll try the volume thingy (I have the volume feedback muted but I'll leave it on so I can test the next time it happens)
OK, back from a quick 30 seconds freeze.

The volume thing did not work, the feedbacks did not even "queue" as they would in a normal load/latency peak, it is just as if they were not there. As I said complete unresponsiveness.
And still nothing useful in the logs? No USB errors or anything strange like that?

Nope just normal stuff, I usually do not work with any periferics, just power adaptor and, depending on the time of day, headphones.

I could this be anywhere related to my SSD being on the caddy instead of the normal HDD tray?


I just got another freeze after the last post, I noticed that the Chrome errors were there again in the system logs. Maybe its a coincidence, but I dont think so, I'll look into it.
I doubt it, but without any error messages, it's just a guessing game.

I had another freeze and got this in kernel.log:
Oct 19 23:27:40 macbook kernel[0]: nfs server localhost:/4rhJU_f14nP-1NqyrYWF1U: not responding
Oct 19 23:28:11 macbook kernel[0]: nfs server localhost:/4rhJU_f14nP-1NqyrYWF1U: is alive again

it's the first time i see this but could this be it?
ok so that's definitely it! I got yet another freeze and the same messages appeared on kernel.log:
Oct 19 23:42:25 macbook kernel[0]: nfs server localhost:/4rhJU_f14nP-1NqyrYWF1U: not responding
Oct 19 23:43:05 macbook kernel[0]: nfs server localhost:/4rhJU_f14nP-1NqyrYWF1U: not responding
Oct 19 23:43:06 macbook kernel[0]: nfs server localhost:/4rhJU_f14nP-1NqyrYWF1U: is alive again

Curious thing I was watching a video and although the video stopped the audio continued perfectly, so the screen freezes and there is no input whatsoever (we tried the volume feedback sound and there was none so the keyboard input was being disregarded, and we can't really tell if the mouse works because the screen is frozen), but it seems the system does in fact continue running..

EDIT: a third freeze but no message, strange how this message never appeared before and appeared now two times and stopped, I guess most times it is not able to write to the log before getting unresponsive...
Last edited:
I've never seen this before. I did a quick google search, but didn't come up with anything particularly useful. I did find one other person with the issue. It looks like they way have been running 10.7.1 at the time. The symptoms were also a little different. What OS are you running?

In case you don't know, NFS is a file sharing protocol. It's mostly not used anymore. It is used for net booting sometimes, but I that doesn't apply here (does it?). If I had to make a completely wild guess, I'd start by looking at Lion's new mobile backups. E.g. Turn off time machine and see if the problem goes away.
I've never seen this before. I did a quick google search, but didn't come up with anything particularly useful. I did find one other person with the issue. It looks like they way have been running 10.7.1 at the time. The symptoms were also a little different. What OS are you running?

In case you don't know, NFS is a file sharing protocol. It's mostly not used anymore. It is used for net booting sometimes, but I that doesn't apply here (does it?). If I had to make a completely wild guess, I'd start by looking at Lion's new mobile backups. E.g. Turn off time machine and see if the problem goes away.

I am running 10.7.2, but the problem persists since I installed Lion (at the time 10.7.1).

I know what NFS, I used it a couple of times a few years ago. You are correct to imply that I do not use it for net booting, nor for anything else.

It's curious you talk about mobile backups, because I've noticed a few mobile backup errors on the logs too. I did have Time Machine enabled but I rarely have the external hdd connected, I disabled it and let's see what happens.
If that doesn't fix it, try booting from a clean, known-good install of the OS. I doubt it will turn out to be software, and you might just save yourself some trouble by installing the OS on another drive and trying again.
If that doesn't fix it, try booting from a clean, known-good install of the OS. I doubt it will turn out to be software, and you might just save yourself some trouble by installing the OS on another drive and trying again.

It's not time machine as I disabled it and still got freezes.

Well, I know that SSD is working. So there could only be three situations, the caddy is malfunctioning, it is because the main drive is on the optical disc bay or it's Lion (or some other software).

Whatever... :(
Oct 24 10:07:04 MacBook hidd[75]: IOHIDEventQueueEnqueue: Error enqueuing memory. (e00002e8) 
Oct 24 10:07:34: --- last message repeated 22 times ---
Oct 24 10:07:04 MacBook hidd[75]: IOHIDEventQueueEnqueue: Error enqueuing memory. (e00002e8) 
Oct 24 10:08:25: --- last message repeated 72 times ---
Oct 24 10:08:25 MacBook hidd[75]: IOHIDEventQueueEnqueue: Error enqueuing memory. (e00002e8) 
Oct 24 10:08:38: --- last message repeated 134 times ---

Lots of these errors, could this be related?
Nope, no USBF errors.

What do you mean by "flaky top cases"?
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