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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 21, 2017
Hello everyone! First, my system specs:

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011) running Sierra 10.12.5
2 GHz Intel Core i7
8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3

Many months ago, I was using my MacBook Pro, when suddenly the "Are you sure you want to shut down your computer now?" popup appeared. I was taken aback because I was merely reading text and didn't come close to touching the power button — and then about two seconds later, the computer shut off. I turned it back on again, and a few seconds into boot, the same thing happened again. This would happen pretty consistently: Once the message displays, whether or not I click "Cancel", my computer will shut off in a few seconds.

At the time, I was still running Mavericks, so I promptly upgraded to Sierra, and the problem stopped happening. Then a few weeks later, it started again. This time, I tried solving it by resetting the PRAM and SMC, but the problem still kept occurring. A few times, after shutting down my computer, it would turn on by itself, sometimes long after shutting down!

Finally, I found a pattern: If my Mac starts doing this, I simply boot into Windows 7 on my Boot Camp partition, use it for up to a week, then switch back to macOS. I've never experienced any rebooting issues in Windows 7, though of course I much prefer using macOS. At this point, this is my work cycle: 1) Use macOs for a few weeks with zero problems; 2) The "restarting issue" mentioned above suddenly starts happening, so I give macOS a "break" and boot into Windows 7; 3) I use Windows 7 for about a week with no issues; 4) I switch back to macOS and use it with no problems for several weeks, then the cycle repeats.

I've Googled all over to see if anyone has experienced this issue, but I've found nothing that's as bizarre as this on-again, off-again behavior.

Finally, I've checked system.log in Console after these crashes and haven't found anything that looks useful, but here are the final 100 or so lines of it from my recent crash last week. The last line is the final log before the system shut off.

Jun 15 10:46:26 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:26.492 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] +[KSCodeSigningVerification verifyBundle:applicationId:error:] KSCodeSigningVerification verifying code signing for '/Applications/Google' with the requirement 'anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[subject.OU]="EQHXZ8M8AV" and (identifier="")'
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.024 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateCheckAction performAction] KSUpdateCheckAction running KSServerUpdateRequest: <KSOmahaServerUpdateRequest:0x100224f20
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<request protocol="3.0" version="KeystoneAgent-" ismachine="1" requestid="{7FB2A058-4FC1-4106-82B9-B66921A4C624}" dedup="cr" sessionid="{XXX}">
<os platform="mac" version="10.12" arch="i486" sp="10.12.5_i486"></os>
<app appid="" version="58.0.3029.110" cohort="1:1y5:jsx@0.05" cohortname="Stable" lang="en-us" installage="451" installdate="3486" brand="GGRM" _numaccounts="1" _numsignedin="1" signed="1">
<ping r="1" rd="3818" a="1" ping_freshness="{35BE7E57-4485-48EE-9EA8-F09A41D99900}"></ping>
<app appid="" version="" lang="en-us" installage="434" installdate="3479" brand="GGLG" signed="1">
<ping r="1" rd="3818" ping_freshness="{13DCD2F6-5728-41BA-B818-0D399BA6CFC5}"></ping>
<app appid="" version="2.34.5075.1619" lang="en-us" installage="152" brand="GGLG" signed="1">
<ping r="1" rd="3818" a="1" ad="3818" ping_freshness="{2D51F1FA-7CB4-4669-B859-0AC049DBFF39}"></ping>
"X-GoogleUpdate-Interactivity" = bg;
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.025 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSOutOfProcessFetcher beginFetchWithDelegate:] KSOutOfProcessFetcher start fetch from URL: ""
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.027 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSOutOfProcessFetcher(PrivateMethods) launchedHelperTaskForToolPath:error:] KSOutOfProcessFetcher launched '/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ksfetch' with process id: 656
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.028 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSOutOfProcessFetcher beginFetchWithDelegate:] KSOutOfProcessFetcher fetching from URL: ""
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro ksfetch[656]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.069 ksfetch[656/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] KSHelperReceiveAllData() KSHelperTool read 2638 bytes from stdin.
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro ksfetch[656]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.073 ksfetch[656/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] main() Fetcher received a request: <NSMutableURLRequest: 0x102802990> { URL: }
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro ksfetch[656]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.074 ksfetch[656/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] main() Fetcher received a download path: /tmp/KSOutOfProcessFetcher.3UOO0uc8pa/download
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro ksfetch[656]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.075 ksfetch[656/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] main() ksfetch fetching URL (<NSMutableURLRequest: 0x102802990> { URL: }) to folder:/tmp/KSOutOfProcessFetcher.3UOO0uc8pa/download
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro ksfetch[656]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.075 ksfetch[656/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] main() Setting up download file handles...
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro ksfetch[656]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.316 ksfetch[656/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] -[FetchDelegate fetcher:finishedWithData:] Fetcher downloaded successfully data of length: 0
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro ksfetch[656]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.316 ksfetch[656/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] main() ksfetch done fetching.
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro ksfetch[656]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.325 ksfetch[656/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] main() Fetcher is exiting.
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.327 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSOutOfProcessFetcher(PrivateMethods) helperErrorAvailable:] KSOutOfProcessFetcher helper tool raw STDERR:
: <>
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.328 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSOutOfProcessFetcher(PrivateMethods) helperDidTerminate:] KSOutOfProcessFetcher fetch ended for URL: ""
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.329 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateCheckAction(KSServerUpdateRequestDelegate) serverRequest:fetchedWithResponse:] KSUpdateCheckAction received KSServerUpdateResponse: <KSOmahaServerUpdateResponse:0x10041d980
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<response protocol="3.0" server="prod">
<daystart elapsed_days="3818" elapsed_seconds="27987"></daystart>
<app appid="" cohort="1:1y5:jsx@0.05" cohortname="Stable" status="ok">
<ping status="ok"></ping>
<updatecheck status="noupdate"></updatecheck>
<app appid="" cohort="" cohortname="" status="ok">
<ping status="ok"></ping>
<updatecheck status="noupdate"></updatecheck>
<app appid="" cohort="" cohortname="" status="ok">
<ping status="ok"></ping>
<updatecheck status="noupdate"></updatecheck>
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.331 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSOmahaServer updateInfosForUpdateResponse:updateRequest:infoStore:upToDateTickets:updatedTickets:events:errors:] Response passed CUP validation.
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.373 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateCheckAction(PrivateMethods) finishAction] KSUpdateCheckAction found updates: {( )}
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro garcon[371]: Invalidating watch set.
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.382 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSPrefetchAction performAction] KSPrefetchAction no updates to prefetch.
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.382 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSMultiUpdateAction performAction] KSSilentUpdateAction had no updates to apply.
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.383 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSMultiUpdateAction performAction] KSPromptAction had no updates to apply.
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.383 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSAgentApp(KeystoneDelegate) updateEngineFinishedWithErrors:] Keystone finished: errors=0
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.383 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateEngine(PrivateMethods) updateFinish] KSUpdateEngine update processing complete.
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.385 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSAgentApp updateProductWithProductID:usingEngine:] Done checking for updates for '"All Products"' using engine <KSUpdateEngine:0x1005232c0
ticketStore=<KSPersistentTicketStore:0x100502f70 store=<KSKeyedPersistentStore:0x10051b2e0
isProcessing=NO actionsCompleted=0 progress=0.00
errors=0 currentActionErrors=0
events=0 currentActionEvents=0
actionQueue=( )
delegate=<KSAgentApp: 0x100702ac0>
serverInfoStore=<KSServerPrivateInfoStore:0x100523ca0 path="/Users/icarus/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/Servers">
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon[417]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.389 GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon[417/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] -[KeystoneDaemon logServiceState] GoogleSoftwareUpdate daemon ( vending: 2 connection(s) 0 connection(s)
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro garcon[371]: Watch set is now: {(
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.618 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSAgentUploader fetcher:finishedWithData:] Successfully uploaded stats to <NSMutableURLRequest: 0x100223a80> { URL: }
Jun 15 10:46:27 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:27.662 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSAgentApp uploadStats:] Successfully uploaded stats <KSStatsCollection:0x101109600 path="/Users/icarus/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/Stats/Keystone.stats", count=6, stats={
checks = 5;
failedchecks = 2;
tickets = 4;
usertickets = 3;
validtickets = 4;
validusertickets = 3;
Jun 15 10:46:28 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro garcon[371]: Garcon destroyed (0 alive).
Jun 15 10:46:28 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:28.714 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x70000e4ed000] [lvl=2] -[KSAgentApp(KeystoneThread) runKeystonesInThreadWithArg:] Finished with engine thread
Jun 15 10:46:29 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon[417]: 2017-06-15 10:46:29.039 GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon[417/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] -[KeystoneDaemon logServiceState] GoogleSoftwareUpdate daemon ( vending: 1 connection(s) 0 connection(s)
Jun 15 10:46:29 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524]: 2017-06-15 10:46:29.284 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[524/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] -[KSAgentApp checkForUpdates] Finished update check.
Jun 15 10:46:30 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro garcon[371]: Connecting to Dropbox on 'com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon.cafe_501'
Jun 15 10:46:30 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro garcon[371]: Connected to Dropbox on 'com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon.cafe_501'.
Jun 15 10:46:30 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro garcon[371]: Garcon is ready (1 alive).
Jun 15 10:46:30 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro garcon[371]: Invalidating watch set.
Jun 15 10:46:30 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro garcon[371]: Watch set is now: {(
Jun 15 10:46:35 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jun 15 10:46:41 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon[417]: 2017-06-15 10:46:41.215 GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon[417/0x7fffe1f133c0] [lvl=2] -[KeystoneDaemon main] GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon inactive, shutdown.
Jun 15 10:46:42 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro Google Chrome[295]: objc[295]: __weak variable at 0x608000e31270 holds 0x2121212121212121 instead of 0x610000823620. This is probably incorrect use of objc_storeWeak() and objc_loadWeak(). Break on objc_weak_error to debug.
Jun 15 10:46:49 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro[1] ([630]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Jun 15 10:46:49 Daedalus-MacBook-Pro[1] ([632]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1

I started back into macOS a few hours ago, by the way, and am typing this post in it, and so far so good. The cycle continues I guess! I hope some of the geniuses here have some ideas for me. Thank you in advance.
Last edited:
No ideas? Unfortunately this happened again about a week ago, and this time the machine powered on and off repeatedly after I attempted to turn it on. I was forced to remove the battery to get it to stop, and when I reconnected the battery many hours later, I booted it up again into macOS and have been using it without issues since.
glad it's fixed.

I'm not sure if this is sarcasm. My system works fine for a few weeks, then goes haywire, then repeats. I don't know what to do to stop this from happening.

Do you know what "RadeonGate" is?
If not, you'd better research it...

I'd never heard of it, and after doing some research, you've got me scared! But the symptoms I'm encountering are different; for example, how the "Are you sure you want to shut down your computer now?" prompt appears, and then the screen goes black. The RadeonGate stories I've read involve the screen tearing or garbling or going black during a GPU-intensive moment. Granted, I have a 2011 model and I guess I'll deal with this eventually.
There's another major symptom of the "radeongate" issue that you seem to have missed:
Computer restarts unexpectedly
Perhaps you have noticed that happening :mad:
It will become more frequent, and you will likely also see video corruption or other weirdness directly linked to the graphics chip. Apple had your model in that repair program for several years, but dropped it plus later 2011 MBPros. Apple won't repair it now - but the fix is replacing/repairing the logic board --- or ultimately moving on to a newer model.
There's another major symptom of the "radeongate" issue that you seem to have missed:

Perhaps you have noticed that happening :mad:
It will become more frequent, and you will likely also see video corruption or other weirdness directly linked to the graphics chip. Apple had your model in that repair program for several years, but dropped it plus later 2011 MBPros. Apple won't repair it now - but the fix is replacing/repairing the logic board --- or ultimately moving on to a newer model.

I've never read about anyone having the shutdown prompt appear before the MacBook shuts itself off, hence why I think it could be a different problem.

I read that even if I had gotten Apple to "fix" the machine due to Radeongate, they'd just provide a new or refurbished logic board with the same GPU, which would lead to the same problem. The proper fix is to replace the GPU with a better version that doesn't have heating issues.

I'm going to start using the integrated graphics chip as much as possible while keeping the system temperatures low and then see if it crashes again in the next few weeks. I've already backed up all my files, so I don't mind running this machine into the ground. I'm not sure when I'll buy a replacement. Regardless, thank you for all of the replies in this thread.
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