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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 15, 2015
Hello - PLEASE HELP!!!

I have a MacBook from circa 2009/2010 which is running OSX 10.5.8.

Since owning it from new, I had previously installed the likes of Perian, QuickTime Player, Flip4Mac to be able to play videos, but recently this lead to Safari continuously quitting (with the resulting report suggesting Safari was crashing because of a Perian associated plug-in).

With this in mind I sought help here on MacRumors Forums, and someone very kindly directed me to the locations on my MacBook where I needed to clear ALL Perian/QuickTime Player/Flip4Mac associated programs - resulting in my MacBook seemingly working fine (i.e. it didn't continuously crash out of Safari any longer).

However a couple of months on, and my MacBook seems to have developed a new issue.

When I now start it up and attempt to open Safari, it just hangs (i.e. I get the spinning beachball).

On my dock, the little blue 'light' is lit up underneath the Safari icon, but the white screen before me is just hanging, and the beachball continues to spin.

So I right click on the Safari icon, and in the window which pops up it says 'Application not responding'.

Then I force quit Safari, and a message box pops up saying 'The application Safari quit whilst unresponsive'.

[I have cut and pasted as much of the resulting report that this issue produced further below].

SIGNIFICANTLY however, if I log myself out of my MacBook - and then log in as 'Test' (i.e. effectively I log in as a different user), then Safari seems to work fine when using the 'Test' log in.

Therefore can someone please tell me the steps I need to take to get my MacBook back to its original/factory/default Safari/Internet settings so that it works just fine under my own log in, in the same way that Safari works fine when I log in as 'Test'?

[Obviously the MacBook itself works OK, but the current Internet settings under my own log in are preventing Safari from even opening in the first place].

If anyone can direct me and tell me what to do - I would be extremely grateful!

Many thanks in advance.

Reference the report which was generated, here is as much of that as possible below:

Date/Time: 2016-04-03 15:42:29 +0100

OS Version: 10.5.8 (Build 9L31a)

Architecture: i386

Report Version: 4

Command: Safari

Path: /Applications/

Version: 5.0.6 (5533.22.3)

Build Version: 3

Project Name: WebBrowser

Source Version: 75332203

Parent: launchd [359]

PID: 404

Event: hang

Time: 12.50s

Steps: 97

Process: Safari [404]

Path: /Applications/


00001000 /Applications/

00644000 /usr/lib/libxar.1.dylib

00657000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Apple80211

00692000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyndicationUI.framework/Versions/A/SyndicationUI

11d50000 /System/Library/CoreServices/RawCamera.bundle/Contents/MacOS/RawCamera

158e8000 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGXCoreImage.A.dylib

Thread id: c8035d0

User stack:

97 ??? [0xacee]

97 _NSApplicationMain + 574 (in AppKit) [0x95c611d8]

97 -[NSApplication run] + 795 (in AppKit) [0x95c93f9f]

97 ??? [0x166ad]

97 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128 (in AppKit) [0x95c9af88]

97 __DPSNextEvent + 657 (in AppKit) [0x95c9b6d5]

97 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 106 (in HIToolbox) [0x967b1f39]

97 _ReceiveNextEventCommon + 175 (in HIToolbox) [0x967b1ffe]

97 _RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 283 (in HIToolbox) [0x967b22ac]

97 _CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88 (in CoreFoundation) [0x96bc8aa8]

97 _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 4469 (in CoreFoundation) [0x96bc88f5]

97 ??? [0x4b717]

97 ??? [0x55266]

97 ??? [0x552a4]

97 ??? [0x55341]

97 ??? [0x55386]

97 ??? [0x3aa3c]

97 ??? [0x3ab3c]

97 ??? [0x3c2ce]

97 ??? [0x3c321]

97 ??? [0x126b9]

97 ??? [0x3c37a]

97 -[SafariSyndication lastUpdateOfFeed:] + 42 (in SyndicationUI) [0x6955a9]

97 -[SafariSyndication psClient] + 142 (in SyndicationUI) [0x6939ff]

97 +[PSClient applicationClient] + 98 (in PubSub) [0x95450dfa]

97 +[PSClient clientForBundleIdentifier:] + 216 (in PubSub) [0x95452ea4]

97 __ZN6PubSub10ClientCore17openClientSessionEv + 236 (in PubSub) [0x95447c46]

97 __ZN6SQLite8Database14getUserVersionEv + 34 (in PubSub) [0x95431608]

97 __ZN6SQLite8Database10execScalarEPKcz + 48 (in PubSub) [0x954315aa]

97 __ZN6SQLite6Cursor7nextRowEv + 45 (in PubSub) [0x95431025]

97 _sqlite3_step + 29 (in libsqlite3.0.dylib) [0x95c5355d]

97 _sqlite3Step + 386 (in libsqlite3.0.dylib) [0x95c52ea2]

97 _sqlite3VdbeExec + 6872 (in libsqlite3.0.dylib) [0x95c48778]

97 _sqlite3BtreeGetMeta + 113 (in libsqlite3.0.dylib) [0x95bf6691]

97 _sqlite3PagerAcquire + 4855 (in libsqlite3.0.dylib) [0x95bf55d7]

97 _pager_playback + 877 (in libsqlite3.0.dylib) [0x95be9a7d]

97 ___pwrite + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x9082dc4e]

Kernel stack:

97 _unix_syscall + 572 [0x3e3a7f]

97 _pwrite_nocancel + 237 [0x391d83]

97 _readv + 312 [0x391c12]

97 _vn_pathconf + 1174 [0x1eebce]

97 _VNOP_WRITE + 168 [0x1f839a]

63 _hfs_vnop_write + 2890 [0x32fa97]

63 _cluster_write + 103 [0x1d5505]

63 _cluster_write_ext + 2250 [0x1d4e8c]

47 _cluster_read + 1453 [0x1d3bb8]

47 _cluster_copy_upl_data + 2808 [0x1cf7d0]

47 _cluster_zero + 949 [0x1cec7b]

47 _buf_biowait + 90 [0x1c96e3]

47 _msleep + 157 [0x3863e8]

47 _uiomove + 653 [0x386037]

47 _lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x130d90]

47 _thread_block + 33 [0x136f20]

42 _thread_continue + 1180 [0x136cb3]

5 _thread_block_reason + 135 [0x136e7c]

5 _thread_setrun + 3597 [0x136217]

5 _machine_idle + 271 [0x1ac3ec]

16 _cluster_read + 1864 [0x1d3d53]

16 _cluster_copy_upl_data + 2808 [0x1cf7d0]

16 _cluster_zero + 949 [0x1cec7b]

16 _buf_biowait + 90 [0x1c96e3]

16 _msleep + 157 [0x3863e8]

16 _uiomove + 653 [0x386037]

16 _lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x130d90]

16 _thread_block + 33 [0x136f20]

15 _thread_continue + 1180 [0x136cb3]

1 _thread_block_reason + 135 [0x136e7c]

1 _thread_setrun + 3597 [0x136217]

1 _machine_idle + 271 [0x1ac3ec]

34 _hfs_vnop_write + 392 [0x32f0d5]

34 _lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 302 [0x1a11e7]

34 _thread_block + 33 [0x136f20]

34 _thread_continue + 1180 [0x136cb3]

Thread id: ce025d0

User stack:

97 _thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907fef12]

97 __ZN3WTF17TCMalloc_PageHeap15scavengerThreadEv + 824 (in JavaScriptCore) [0x966c3d58]

97 ___semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907d534e]

Thread id: cb40a78

User stack:

97 _thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907fef12]

97 __pthread_start + 321 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907ff055]

97 __ZN7WebCore12IconDatabase22iconDatabaseSyncThreadEv + 761 (in WebCore) [0x91b5ae19]

97 __ZN7WebCore12IconDatabase18syncThreadMainLoopEv + 279 (in WebCore) [0x91b5d587]

97 ___semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907d534e]

Thread id: ce003c8

User stack:

97 _thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907fef12]

97 __pthread_start + 321 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907ff055]

97 __Z22CFURLCacheWorkerThreadPv + 388 (in CFNetwork) [0x9550318c]

97 _CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88 (in CoreFoundation) [0x96bc8aa8]

97 _mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907ce166]

Thread id: c104a78

User stack:

97 _thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907fef12]

97 __pthread_start + 321 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907ff055]

97 __ZN3WTF15ThreadCondition9timedWaitERNS_5MutexEd + 81 (in JavaScriptCore) [0x965186b1]

97 ___semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907d534e]

Thread id: c9d0c80

User stack:

97 _thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907fef12]

97 __pthread_start + 321 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907ff055]

97 ??? [0x2f023]

97 ??? [0x2f08a]

97 ??? [0x2f33d]

97 _CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88 (in CoreFoundation) [0x96bc8aa8]

97 _mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907ce166]

Thread id: ce02d60

User stack:

97 _thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907fef12]

97 __pthread_start + 321 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907ff055]

97 ___NSThread__main__ + 308 (in Foundation) [0x931959a4]

97 -[NSThread main] + 45 (in Foundation) [0x93195dfd]

97 +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 320 (in Foundation) [0x931f9520]

97 _CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88 (in CoreFoundation) [0x96bc8aa8]

97 _mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907ce166]

Thread id: c8044f0

User stack:

97 _thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x907fef12]

97 ___select + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x9081d60a]

Process: ATSServer [284]

Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Support/ATSServer


00001000 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Support/ATSServer

Thread id: bc6b6b0

User stack:

97 ??? [0x4b46]

97 ??? [0xdd21f]
Try deleting the following items:

  • ~/Library/Safari/WebpageIcons.db
  • ~/Library/PubSub

Note: The folder ~/Library is hidden by default. To open it in Finder, choose GoLibrary from the menubar while holding option.
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Reactions: Weaselboy
~/Library became hidden in 10.7

Also, find /Library/Preferenes/Safari and move it out

also, .../P:references/Caches/ and those associated with Safari (not surer now the names)

Launch Safari in Safe Mode also and disable, uninstall extensions and plugins, history and cache

Might want to bit system in Safe Mode as well was clone boot drive

Etrecheck is very handy looking for possible issues
~/Library became hidden in 10.7

Also, find /Library/Preferenes/Safari and move it out

Moving the whole folder will effectively remove all of Safari's data — including open windows, bookmarks, and history, which PaulUKGuy may wish to keep. The two items I recommended deleting were derived from my analysis of the crash report.

Launch Safari in Safe Mode also and disable, uninstall extensions and plugins, history and cache

Safari doesn't have a safe mode.
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Reactions: Weaselboy
paul can move those back later ;-)

Safari does have safe mode, not sure is it did not exist in SL

Have you considered upgrading your OS from 10.5.8 ?

I would suggest 10.6.8, at least.
paul can move those back later ;-)

Safari does have safe mode, not sure is it did not exist in SL


I just wanted to say a very big thank you to richard2 and IowaLynn for your tips.

So far I've been selecting Finder, Go, Go to Folder, followed by selecting ~/Library/ and then I've been searching through all the folders which subsequently appear - deleting anything associated with web plug-ins, QuickTime, Perian etc.

I then emptied the trash can, shut down my MacBook, started it up again, and tried opening Safari.

After waiting around 30 seconds for Safari to load up the Apple website (my default opening website whenever I open Safari), it now seems to be working OK. [I was slightly concerned that I initially had to wait 30 seconds or so, but hopefully that was a one-time thing, and hopefully the original 'continual hanging / spinning beach ball issue' will not reappear, meaning I can at least use Safari within my own User Log In (as opposed to having to log in as a Test User in order to successfully open Safari).

Anyway thank you so much once again!

NB. If I upgraded from OS X 10.5.8 to a slightly newer version - is that likely to have any bearing on the 'Safari Opening Issue' that I originally experienced?

Many thanks,

After waiting around 30 seconds for Safari to load up the Apple website (my default opening website whenever I open Safari), it now seems to be working OK. [I was slightly concerned that I initially had to wait 30 seconds or so, but hopefully that was a one-time thing, and hopefully the original 'continual hanging / spinning beach ball issue' will not reappear, meaning I can at least use Safari within my own User Log In (as opposed to having to log in as a Test User in order to successfully open Safari).

If you continue encountering issues, then I'd recommend deleting all of the items in the folder ~/Library/Safari except for the file Bookmarks.plist.

NB. If I upgraded from OS X 10.5.8 to a slightly newer version - is that likely to have any bearing on the 'Safari Opening Issue' that I originally experienced?

It's possible. By the way, have you considered upgrading to OS X El Capitan?
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