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macrumors member
Original poster
May 6, 2014

I'm having a problem with my new M1 Pro MBP 14 draining 20% battery overnight. Nothing is connected. Under Activity Monitor there is no task that's showing under "preventing sleep".

pmset -g assertions shows this.

2022-07-13 05:22:09 -0400
Assertion status system-wide:
BackgroundTask 0
ApplePushServiceTask 0
UserIsActive 1
PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep 0
PreventSystemSleep 0
ExternalMedia 0
PreventUserIdleSystemSleep 1
NetworkClientActive 0
Listed by owning process:
pid 351(WindowServer): [0x000549500009a080] 00:00:00 UserIsActive named: " serviceID:1001441a8 name:AppleHIDKeyboardEve product:Apple Internal Keyb eventType:3"
Timeout will fire in 600 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease
pid 296(powerd): [0x000549500001a082] 00:03:29 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "Powerd - Prevent sleep while display is on"
pid 296(powerd): [0x000549500009a081] 00:03:29 UserIsActive named: ""
Timeout will fire in 390 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease
No kernel assertions.

What else can I do? I just want my Mac to sleep, I don't care what I have to turn off. Thanks
It's on Monterey under System Preferences->Battery highlight under the checkmark for "Optimize battery Charging"!
That isn’t the case on my wife’s M1 MBA. IIRC it does show up on my 2016 MacBook Pro though.
How about reformat and reinstall Monterey?

My 2015 MacBook Pro loses about 2% battery overnight sleeping and my 2021 MacBook Pro typically loses 0% while sleeping. So your Mac is a very busy guy overnight.
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Check the usage history under Battery in System Preferences. It should tell you what is consuming power.

It shows nothing. I can't see breakdown of power usage by apps like I can with my phone.
Could it be your MacBook is waking multiple times overnight and not going back to sleep right away? While it's awake, it would be using your battery, possibly often enough to account for that 20% usage.

My MBP 14 also has sleep issues where it does not stay asleep, even if I manually select "Sleep" instead of letting it idle to sleep.
So I did a lot of testing to try to figure out what's causing the drain. It looks like it is Dropbox and Aldente that's causing the battery drain. With every program closed, it didn't change the drain. So I started closing extensions on the top bar one by one. Once I closed all of them, my drain went down to 7% a day, which is much better than 20% before. Then one by one I found Dropbox and AlDente (battery charge management software) was causing the drain. With each of them open I'd lose about 14-15% a day.

Apple really needs to provide an option where sleep is sleep, absolutely zero background tasks except for FindMy.
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Apple really needs to provide an option where sleep is sleep, absolutely zero background tasks except for FindMy.
I found mine looses more than I’d like during sleep. Always thought it would be good if Apple could disable background tasks per app although I probably don’t need any apps to operate during sleep.
So I did a lot of testing to try to figure out what's causing the drain. It looks like it is Dropbox and Aldente that's causing the battery drain. With every program closed, it didn't change the drain. So I started closing extensions on the top bar one by one. Once I closed all of them, my drain went down to 7% a day, which is much better than 20% before. Then one by one I found Dropbox and AlDente (battery charge management software) was causing the drain. With each of them open I'd lose about 14-15% a day.

Apple really needs to provide an option where sleep is sleep, absolutely zero background tasks except for FindMy.
Good detective work. I'll take the point about the Dropbox app, I was going to install it and will now think twice - maybe the browser version will do for my needs. My brand-new MBA M2 loses 0-1% during the night and I'd like to keep it that way.

I find it somehow ironic that a battery charge management software would.... drain the battery overnight. Weird :)

And FWIW in the Battery control panel, there's no power sleep option either for me.
Good detective work. I'll take the point about the Dropbox app, I was going to install it and will now think twice - maybe the browser version will do for my needs. My brand-new MBA M2 loses 0-1% during the night and I'd like to keep it that way.

I find it somehow ironic that a battery charge management software would.... drain the battery overnight. Weird :)

And FWIW in the Battery control panel, there's no power sleep option either for me.

I gave up on DropBox Application and went to CyberDuck to get to my DropBox!
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