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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 5, 2020
Hi, I’m a terrible ‘needless’ upgrader, and was looking for some opinions and advice. I bought the i9 MBP 16 last April and use it for photo editing with Adobe, all round computer and as a teacher, I am often going into Parallels VM to work with Microsoft Teams, One Note, Access, etc.
Part of me wants to sell it now to be in a position to get the potential 2021 MBP in c.16 inch screen size, but my worry is that I may not be able to run a Windows 10 VM/Boot Camp for some years. I’m also lucky enough to have a 4 year warranty on it through EdUStore UK

I absolutely love my MBP and am unlikely to ever do high end video editing. Stick or twist? 😁 Any thoughts appreciated!
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Also, if you depend on Windows software, you should wait until said software is ported to ARM, or you know it runs well enough on Windows' x86 emulator. And of course if you can actually run Windows...
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There's no reason to upgrade... especially considering Parallels doesn't work on ASi yet (and there may be further incompatibility even when it does), and Bootcamp never will.
Parallels tech preview works on ASi Macs and people are already running Windows ARM on it and trying out non-ARM Windows applications like Visual Studio with various amounts of success. The concept works and the nuts and bolts of it all will only get better with time, it seems.
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Hi, I’m a terrible ‘needless’ upgrader, and was looking for some opinions and advice. I bought the i9 MBP 16 last April and use it for photo editing with Adobe, all round computer and as a teacher, I am often going into Parallels VM to work with Microsoft Teams, One Note, Access, etc.
Part of me wants to sell it now to be in a position to get the potential 2021 MBP in c.16 inch screen size, but my worry is that I may not be able to run a Windows 10 VM/Boot Camp for some years. I’m also lucky enough to have a 4 year warranty on it through EdUStore UK

I absolutely love my MBP and am unlikely to ever do high end video editing. Stick or twist? 😁 Any thoughts appreciated!

Howdy Frostbear44,

Selling a Mac that you are actively using now, for a new one that has not even been announced, is a little premature. Since the 16" came out in Nov of 2019, and was refreshed in June of 2020, it is expected to be refreshed/replaced this year, but nobody outside of Apple knows when. You could sell your useful MacBook Pro tomorrow, and may have to wait until Nov, or perhaps even next year before the "new" 16" comes out. That is a long time to be without your Mac. Plus, if your workflow requires Windows applications, you should stop contemplating an Apple Silicon based system now. There are ways to emulate some Windows programs using a tool like CrossOver, but there is no current indications that you will be able to run Windows 10 on an Apple Silicon system, anytime soon. Some folks have had some luck shoehorning the ARM build of Windows 10 using an ARM VM, but that won't run your apps very well, if at all. Your best bet is to wait for native macOS versions, or replacements come your way. Your current MacBook Pro will be supported by software for at least 3 years from now, and hopefully before Apple stops supporting Intel systems, your apps will be ported to macOS, and the switch will be easier. Good luck!

Rich S.
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Really appreciate people taking the time to reply. Thank you all!

Needed that ‘therapy’! I’ll stick with this lovely machine and it’s overpriced but very nice Apple leather sleeve. I will also avoid the wrath of my wife who is at her wit’s end with me buying ‘stuff’ :D
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