Hi, I’m a terrible ‘needless’ upgrader, and was looking for some opinions and advice. I bought the i9 MBP 16 last April and use it for photo editing with Adobe, all round computer and as a teacher, I am often going into Parallels VM to work with Microsoft Teams, One Note, Access, etc.
Part of me wants to sell it now to be in a position to get the potential 2021 MBP in c.16 inch screen size, but my worry is that I may not be able to run a Windows 10 VM/Boot Camp for some years. I’m also lucky enough to have a 4 year warranty on it through EdUStore UK
I absolutely love my MBP and am unlikely to ever do high end video editing. Stick or twist? 😁 Any thoughts appreciated!
Part of me wants to sell it now to be in a position to get the potential 2021 MBP in c.16 inch screen size, but my worry is that I may not be able to run a Windows 10 VM/Boot Camp for some years. I’m also lucky enough to have a 4 year warranty on it through EdUStore UK
I absolutely love my MBP and am unlikely to ever do high end video editing. Stick or twist? 😁 Any thoughts appreciated!
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