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macrumors newbie
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Mar 15, 2017
Apple's websites today for optimal performance on the 16-inch MacBook Pro, connect to power using the MacBook Pro’s 96W adapter. Does this mean the original LG 5K Monitor can't be used with the new MacBook Pro 16 or does the new MacBook operate at reduce performance?
If you’re pushing it hard it’ll probably drain the battery somewhat even while plugged in.

Once the load reduces the battery will start charging again.
I used to use the 21" LG with my MBP and it only supplied 60W of power. If it caused a problem I never noticed. I'm sure it charged the battery slower but I don't use my laptop on battery that much.
If you’re pushing it hard it’ll probably drain the battery somewhat even while plugged in.

Once the load reduces the battery will start charging again.

Exactly this. Only when you put your laptop under sustained load, for more than an hour or so, you need a full sized brick. In all other cases, you’ll definitely get through the day with a smaller one.
“For optimal performance on the 16-inch MacBook Pro, connect to power using the MacBook Pro’s 96W adapter.”

Can anyone clarify what this exactly means? I know that Ultrafine 5k provides up to 94W while MBP 16” requires 96W, but there was also 2W gap between the old 5k (85W) and MBP 15” (87W), and no such sentence on its product page of their website. So I’m wondering if there’s any difference between the two cases.
I’m curious to hear how well it drives this monitor. I’ve found my maxed 2017 15” is kinda laggy with the 5K.
I’m curious to hear how well it drives this monitor. I’ve found my maxed 2017 15” is kinda laggy with the 5K.
Really? I had a base 2017 15” before I got the 16. I have no problems connecting to the LG 5K, runs quite smooth for me in clamshell mode.
Can you drive the LG 5K through an egpu setup with displayport 1.4 with full 5k resolution? Thunderbold --> egpu box with a vega card --> displayport 1.4 --> displayport 1.4 of lg 5k display. Did anybody tried this out?
Can anyone clarify what this exactly means?

Nothing. That number is almost meaningless. Think about it, it's at most a bit more than 2% difference. And besides, it's a capacity we're talking about. Meaning, it's the amount of energy that the can be supplied, but it doesn't say anything about what the MacBook is drawing. I think only a small minority draws anything over 60W (full CPU usage), and a small percentage of that will fully utilise the GPU (thus drawing a bit less than 90W).

I'm a software developer with multiple apps open. 45 watts gets me through the day easily. I bet I can do 30W.
Really? I had a base 2017 15” before I got the 16. I have no problems connecting to the LG 5K, runs quite smooth for me in clamshell mode.
I mean it’s not unusable or anything, but the UI isn’t particularly snappy. It does struggle in Lightroom quite a bit more when the monitor is attached than it does when it’s only driving the internal display.
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