Hey Guys,
Long time lurker of MacRumors and I've been using Apple Macbooks for the past 13 years. My 2012 Macbook Pro died in early November which timed perfectly with the 16" launch. I ordered a 16" from Adorama and finally received it back on the 14th. I also ordered a new lg 27UK850-W monitor so I've basically only been using the actual Macbook Pro display as a secondary monitor since I got it. I also have the dark theme on my Macbook Pro. Anyways, I finally took the computer off my desk and traveled home with it for the holidays. While reading some news online on a webpage with a white background I noticed a vertical line in the display. I thought it might be a scratch at first which would have had to have been there when I received the computer. As I said it's been sitting on my desk since I got it and I haven't even cleaned the screen yet. My 2012 Macbook Pro's screen looked perfect until the day the logic board died and I wasn't so gentle with that computer.
Anyways... I can't feel a scratch and I can't see one either while looking at reflections on the display from a bright light source. I'm starting to think it's a line of dead or stuck pixels. I can't see it if there is a dark background, only light or bright colors. I think I may have answered my own question with this thread. I took picture to post and now when I zoom in you can actually see the pixels. It looks like I have stuck pixels in two rows next to each other on the display. I did try resetting the PRAM and that had no effect.
Has anybody else had this issue on their new 16"? I have a genius bar appointment tomorrow.
I'll ask the stupid question as well. This doesn't ship with a piece of clear plastic on the screen does it? The screen has a wavy surface when viewed from the side. I noticed my iPad has this same texture and I did remove the plastic wrap on that. My co-workers XPS is 100% smooth.
As a side note, I'm really happy with the LG monitor. It does top off the battery even though it only has 60W of charging capacity. I haven't been doing any heavy tasks with the laptop yet, so I'm not sure if it will keep it at a constant battery level if you're really pushing the system. I do wish the USB ports on the back were 3.0 and the internal Macbook Pro speakers sound better than the ones in the monitor.
Long time lurker of MacRumors and I've been using Apple Macbooks for the past 13 years. My 2012 Macbook Pro died in early November which timed perfectly with the 16" launch. I ordered a 16" from Adorama and finally received it back on the 14th. I also ordered a new lg 27UK850-W monitor so I've basically only been using the actual Macbook Pro display as a secondary monitor since I got it. I also have the dark theme on my Macbook Pro. Anyways, I finally took the computer off my desk and traveled home with it for the holidays. While reading some news online on a webpage with a white background I noticed a vertical line in the display. I thought it might be a scratch at first which would have had to have been there when I received the computer. As I said it's been sitting on my desk since I got it and I haven't even cleaned the screen yet. My 2012 Macbook Pro's screen looked perfect until the day the logic board died and I wasn't so gentle with that computer.
Anyways... I can't feel a scratch and I can't see one either while looking at reflections on the display from a bright light source. I'm starting to think it's a line of dead or stuck pixels. I can't see it if there is a dark background, only light or bright colors. I think I may have answered my own question with this thread. I took picture to post and now when I zoom in you can actually see the pixels. It looks like I have stuck pixels in two rows next to each other on the display. I did try resetting the PRAM and that had no effect.
Has anybody else had this issue on their new 16"? I have a genius bar appointment tomorrow.
I'll ask the stupid question as well. This doesn't ship with a piece of clear plastic on the screen does it? The screen has a wavy surface when viewed from the side. I noticed my iPad has this same texture and I did remove the plastic wrap on that. My co-workers XPS is 100% smooth.
As a side note, I'm really happy with the LG monitor. It does top off the battery even though it only has 60W of charging capacity. I haven't been doing any heavy tasks with the laptop yet, so I'm not sure if it will keep it at a constant battery level if you're really pushing the system. I do wish the USB ports on the back were 3.0 and the internal Macbook Pro speakers sound better than the ones in the monitor.