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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 6, 2014
i have a 2015 macbook pro 8 gb 256 and i use it for routine things but mostly web browsing and work in ms office.

Saw fhe new one today and its shiny :)

I really dont use many usbs except syncing my phone.

Would you upgrade?
i have a 2015 macbook pro 8 gb 256 and i use it for routine things but mostly web browsing and work in ms office.

Saw fhe new one today and its shiny :)

I really dont use many usbs except syncing my phone.

Would you upgrade?

Your 2015 will never be worth more than it is now, so that would help with buying a new one, but it's also not going to depreciate quickly.

So unless you just want a new machine, keep your 2015 and see if they really have fixed the keyboard on the 2018 model.
Isn't it basically the same body? What's shiny about it to you? You use your MBP for things that even iPads handle extremely well now. Why go through the trouble and spend the money? Your machine is a good one, use it until it doesn't do what you need it to do. You'd be spending money and never notice the difference in performance.
Isn't it basically the same body? What's shiny about it to you? You use your MBP for things that even iPads handle extremely well now. Why go through the trouble and spend the money? Your machine is a good one, use it until it doesn't do what you need it to do. You'd be spending money and never notice the difference in performance.

15 is the old design.
i have a 2015 macbook pro 8 gb 256 and i use it for routine things but mostly web browsing and work in ms office.
In your usage, I'd probably stand pat and keep the 2015 model. The 2018 does look like a nice update, but you'll not be leveraging a lot of the improvements, so why pay $$$ for something that won't be terribly faster, and we're not 100% sure the keyboard issue has been resolved.
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OP asked:
"Would you upgrade?"

I, too, have a 2015 13" MacBook Pro.
I see nothing in the 2018 models that would make me upgrade.

Of course, I bought my own 2015 -after- the 2016's were introduced. At the time KeyGate™ was as-yet unknown, but I didn't like the "new" keyboards anyway, nor did I like the "lack of usable ports" or the grossly-oversized trackpad.

Nothing has changed with the 2018 models, and we STILL DON'T KNOW whether or not the keyboard issues are "fixed". We won't really have that answer until about 4-8 months have passed.

I plan on keeping the 2015 as long as it runs, at least until 2022-2023.
Maybe by then Apple will be using a better keyboard than they are now!
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i have a 2015 macbook pro 8 gb 256 and i use it for routine things but mostly web browsing and work in ms office.

Saw fhe new one today and its shiny :)

I really dont use many usbs except syncing my phone.

Would you upgrade?

If you just browse the web, email, and Ms office assuming no crazy excel data manipulation you probably don't need a pro laptop at all lol :) butttt since you have a 15 already then keep it till it dies!
For your usage, no, I would resist the "shiny new toy" temptation and not upgrade. Your computer is not an outdated machine, it can do what you described and much, much more. And it's still an excellent design, btw.
For what you do, absolutely not...

I'm on a 2015 15inch MBP as well. However, I'm a full-time video and photo professional. I edit everyday in Premiere. I am noticing some slow downs and longer processing times with certain video codecs. In my situation, I will probably upgrade sometime in the next 6 months
I won't say that I'm not POd that I bought the 2017 15" MBP instead of waiting for the 2018 model, because I am. On the other hand, I really like the 2017 machine, except for the clicking clack of the keyboard.
I have a 2012 rmbp 15" I've been using for 6 years. I am very happy w/ this machine. I don't really have a need for an upgrade to the latest 15" 2018 other than for pure aesthetics reasons but I've been on the fence whether to get this year's model. It's such a pretty machine, no question about it and no one else on the planet makes a laptop that looks as good as a macbook. I won't deny that.

However my current rmbp can easily last another 2 years. Recent rumours have it that 2018 imac displays will get 'significant performance upgrade' whatever that means. I'm hoping 120hz from ipad is carried over to imac which would then pretty much guarantee the same thing for mbp's. Once I got used to a 120hz display, there was no going back. The experience was synonymous w/ going from non-retina to retina.
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These latest MacBooks with touch bar are entirely way to expensive to upgrade for the sake of upgrading IMO. I have one, but I was also coming from a late 2010 MacBook Air with 4GB RAM and 128GB of storage with a Core 2 Duo processor that was already WELL out dated even when that generation MBA was released.

Even then, the sticker shock made me contemplate squeezing out another year of usage. If I was just doing web browsing and youtube viewing, I probably would have kept it another year or two. However, I mainly use it when I'm on-site with a client, or if I need to do some work while on vacation or out in the field away from my desktop, and in each of those three scenarios, I want to be on the laptop and off of it as soon as possible.
For what you do, absolutely not...

I'm on a 2015 15inch MBP as well. However, I'm a full-time video and photo professional. I edit everyday in Premiere. I am noticing some slow downs and longer processing times with certain video codecs. In my situation, I will probably upgrade sometime in the next 6 months

I’m in the exact same profession and situation, with a mid-2015 15” maxed-out MBP. I’m on the fence. I use Resolve with RAW video, and 4K H.264, so I’m pushing it constantly. But I don’t even know if a new MBP would keep up with what I’m throwing at it, so I may just go the eGPU route to get desktop-class performance. Granted, our machines only have TB2, but people are reporting good results with that setup on and that route would be about 3K cheaper ;)
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the 2015 pros are IMO still the best bang for your buck. Great screen, all the ports and run terrific! I havent had any issues with mine (have both the 15 and the 13 from 2015)-- wife uses one and i use the other.
i have a 2015 macbook pro 8 gb 256 and i use it for routine things but mostly web browsing and work in ms office.

Saw fhe new one today and its shiny :)

I really dont use many usbs except syncing my phone.

Would you upgrade?
Your keyboard is reliable.
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