Well today I noticed my battery not charging even though plugged in. It eventually went to 0 and then it went dead. Couldn't restart. Went to Apple Store and they are sending it out for repairs. Let's see what's wrong.
I just bought a tMBPro 15". How can I find out which batch has this problem? I didn't buy Apple Care. Maybe, I should've.Bro I feel you. My new 2016 non touch bar started flickering. So, some of them have problems it seems.
That's actually kind of a hot bra lol
I just bought a tMBPro 15". How can I find out which batch has this problem? I didn't buy Apple Care. Maybe, I should've.
Also, I'm not sure, but I believe I read on here Apple care can be bought later. Not too late, but later. I'm not sure though. Maybe someone else can chime in.
I was told by the Apple Rep. I had 3 months to purchase Apple Care at $349 (ouch).Bro if I were you, I wouldn't worry. Just bc it happened to me does not mean it will happen to you. I'm sure the majority of macbook pros out there are fine.
Also, I'm not sure, but I believe I read on here Apple care can be bought later. Not too late, but later. I'm not sure though. Maybe someone else can chime in.
Well today I noticed my battery not charging even though plugged in. It eventually went to 0 and then it went dead. Couldn't restart. Went to Apple Store and they are sending it out for repairs. Let's see what's wrong.