Says who? That's not how an eGPU works. You drive a monitor with it, not the screen.
Says the tons of youtube video of peoples running eGPU on MacBook, directly playing on the built in screen.
That's the thing, the eGPU is rendering the game, and then send it back to the build in screen somehow. That's what bugging me. If an eGPU can do that, then why can't an external device send some form of video signal to the MacBook to be displayed.
I already answered you in post #2. Those TB3 ports do not accept video input. No amount of external cables, adaptors, or convertors is going to change that.
No you didn't.
I already know you can't use the TB ports on Macs as simple "display input". Even if you have a computer send display signal through TB and then plug it in a Mac with TB, I know it doesn't work.
I know it can't be used as DisplayPort Input, or HDMI Input, or whatever other video standard there is.
But an eGPU is sending video to be displayed on the internal screen. It probably doesn't simply send back DP signal.
its not about technically possible, who would spend that kind of money to use a 15" as a display? what is the benefit?
Yes it's about technically possible. Because that's my question, that's what I'm curious about.
I'm not asking if this would be a viable product on the marketplace. I don't care. I just want to know what would be necessary technically (if you could write your own software and drivers, and if you could build custom TB3 hardware).
And don't ask me why I want to know that, because the answer is simply : I'm curious.