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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 12, 2009

I lent my MacBook Pro to someone who has locked my dvd region as they must have changed it too many times

Does anyone have a way of fixing this PLEASE, it is driving me mad having a great laptop and not being able to watch DVD's on it

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Oh crikey I don't know

Sorry I'm a total novice at these things I bought the MacBook Pro because I was told it was the best ( a bit niave I admit)

Is there a way I can check what drive it has ?


Click the Apple in the top-left corner. Then choose "About This Mac." Click "More Info..." and the System Profiler should open. Within System Profiler, choose "ATA" and then tell me what drive model is listed. If nothing is listed there, then it is under "Serial-ATA" instead on your system. The drive model will be listed under the bus it's connected to, in the top-right, and may be "HL-DT-ST...." or "MATSHITA ....." Just copy and paste that information to this window. Also note the firmware of the drive, next to "Revision" on the bottom right. You will have to click on the drive in the top right for the information to appear below.

For example, my drive is a HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS21N with firmware/revision SA17.
Thanks I'm at work at present and my laptop is at home but I should be back within 2 hours will you be available then at all ?


I am desperately attempting to reset my macbook pro i have try to run the Update to HAEA region free but keep getting an message that says

the application superdrive update 2.1 quit unexpectedly after it was reopened

So it will not run the HAEA program can anyone help ?

Thanks in advance


DVD Info X brings this up if it helps ?

Model: DVD-R UJ-857
Firmware: HAEA
RPC-2 (region locked)
4 vendor resets left
0 region change left
Region 1
I did a little digging and apparently you're not the only person to have problems with the GUI updater. However, there are alternative methods. Scroll down to "How to recover your superdrive after a firmware update failure" on this page and follow the instructions there. Hopefully that will work for you!
Region Lock Out

My Mac Book Pro is a:
Model: MatshitaDVD-R UJ-857E
Revision: ZAOE

I work between Korea, the USA and the UK
thus my Mac Book Pro sees many different time zones and continents.

On my freetime I like to pick up licensed DVD's from all of the above places.
but my problem is that i've changed regions too many times and now it is stuck on region 1 and I can't what dvd's when i travel abroad. .

Can you help me too?

What drive is in the computer? For some, there is region-free firmware available that will reset the drive.
Hi I also have this problem with my dvd drive being locked. The specs for my my drive are HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS21N with firmware/revision SA18. Is there a way to fix this I was told by a Mac store that I have to re install my operating system but I don't want to do this as I have days worth of music and about 50 movies I want to keep. I couldn't believe that Macs have this issue and it happened by renting dvds at a legit rental store in Melbourne.
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Hi I also have this problem with my dvd drive being locked. The specs for my my drive are HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS21N with firmware/revision SA18. Is there a way to fix this I was told by a Mac store that I have to re install my operating system but I don't want to do this as I have days worth of music and about 50 movies I want to keep. I couldn't believe that Macs have this issue and it happened by renting dvds at a legit rental store in Melbourne.
Follow the instructions given in this thread:
I honestly cannot even think of what purpose it serves other than to frustrate people.

It does nothing for the consumer. It does provide one benefit for the producers: it allows them (to a degree) to control how it is distributed through the world. An American studio wants to get a highly lucrative contract with one or more distributors to sell DVDs in Europe, and it's harder to get a distributor to pay a lot if everyone in Europe already has the American DVD.
Thanks for the reply but looks too complicated for me although I'm not running on the right amount of brain cells today may revisit the link.

Think I might just invest in a portable drive to watch movies but seems a shame to have a perfectly good Macbook Pro without being able to use the dvd drive.

Hello !

I rang up apple and told them that i am very upset about the dvd region lock. I said i'm a traveling person between Europe and Australia and i have ********s of dvd's with different regions from all over the world.
The man told me to bring my 2011 8,2 Mac book pro 15' (2ghz intelcore i7) to the nearest apple shop to reset the dvd region (B RAM) . i'm seriously not even close to being anything like a PRO but he told me to do the following! (i haven't done this yet myself, partially because i dont know if its working or not!! I'm just careful.)
so anyway.. the dude on the phone gave me these instructions.

Reset b ram, push buttons : fn control shift & power while mac book is turned off !
Mac will start up and beep twice.
hold shift for 20 sec after the second beep Extensions off!
restart system again with extensions on

please let me know if it works. i hope i'm gonna make life a lot better for each and every macbook user and dvd fanatic in the world and if not , i'm just another jerk on the net! thanks .. LaSerda

ps.i hope they dont come and arrest me like kim(dotcom) schmitz! haha
I have the same problem but with macbook unibody

I just brought a new dvd and its from another region how do i reset the region after its been changed 5 times.My drive is MATSHITADVD-R UJ-898 The firmware is: HD10.

Can someone please help me.

I honestly cannot even think of what purpose it serves other than to frustrate people.
It serves so that if a movie (Say the new Deadpool movie) is released in Europe before the US version is, then Americans can't purchase a European copy and watch it in America.
I have the same problem but with macbook unibody

I just brought a new dvd and its from another region how do i reset the region after its been changed 5 times.My drive is MATSHITADVD-R UJ-898 The firmware is: HD10.

Can someone please help me.


Was this one ever solved? I have the same drive with HC10
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