I am having GPU problems that over 50,000 people have faced due to apple's poor macbook design. They have only just recognised the problem and started offering replacement logic boards until 2016, and from this date onwards you will need to pay £400 to replace it. Since they are replacing faulty parts with other faulty parts, I will run into the problem outside of the replacement program.. several times.
I have seen this youtube video talking about this problem, and have been considering it.
I have a 2012 15" Retina macbook pro, which falls under the quality program for this exact problem. I am wondering if anyone has done this before, or dealt with the problem and if you know anything about burning out your GPU with a stress test.
I have seen this youtube video talking about this problem, and have been considering it.
I have a 2012 15" Retina macbook pro, which falls under the quality program for this exact problem. I am wondering if anyone has done this before, or dealt with the problem and if you know anything about burning out your GPU with a stress test.