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Yeah, it looks like a display-related defect. Or the internal GPU, but less likely. Just RMA it to Apple.
Forum members reported Chrome was doing that during Mojave beta phase so would be interested to hear what happens when he quits the app.

The flickering is over the entire screen, not just the browser window. So its either the bug in the desktop compositor/driver or a hardware problem. I'd bet on the later. I don't think its GPU-related though...
So just an update. SoyCapitanSoyCapitan was correct and it was Chrome causing the issues. I jumped the gun and returned the one I had and waited for another to get shipped to me. I received it last week and within a day was doing the same thing. This time I did a little more research and disabled Hardware Acceleration in Chrome and haven't had an issue since.
Mine has just started to flicker only had it this afternoon but have several flickers already. Mine is happening in safari, Lightroom, photoshop. New 2.9 Vega 20. I’ve managed to film it a couple of times already.
For my MBP with Vega 16, the Chrome tweak certainly helped (Chrome, Preferences, Advanced, System,
Use hardware acceleration when available/OFF). Note, the flickering was happening in programs outside of Chrome.
So my 3 day old MBP with Vega 20 GPU has started having screen flicker.

Same thing is happing on mine. This is my second unit with the exact same specs...

MacBook Pro i9 2.6 6-core w/ Radeon Pro Vega 20 with 4GB of HBM2 memory TWO DAYS OLD - MACBOOK PRO SCREEN FLICKERS WHEN CONNECTED SINGLE EXTERNAL DISPLAY VIA USB-C TO HDMI This is my second unit. The first unit with the same specs was returned by me on December 17, 2018 for the same issue with the screen flickering when hooked up an external display. Decided to try it again so reordered the same model. As you can see it also flickers. I've tried everything including different external displays, and the MacBook Pro flickers regardless of type.
Forum members reported Chrome was doing that during Mojave beta phase so would be interested to hear what happens when he quits the app.

it's not related to Chrome. It's happening to me and I use Firefox.

Same thing is happing on mine. This is my second unit with the exact same specs...

MacBook Pro i9 2.6 6-core w/ Radeon Pro Vega 20 with 4GB of HBM2 memory TWO DAYS OLD - MACBOOK PRO SCREEN FLICKERS WHEN CONNECTED SINGLE EXTERNAL DISPLAY VIA USB-C TO HDMI This is my second unit. The first unit with the same specs was returned by me on December 17, 2018 for the same issue with the screen flickering when hooked up an external display. Decided to try it again so reordered the same model. As you can see it also flickers. I've tried everything including different external displays, and the MacBook Pro flickers regardless of type.

it's not related to Chrome. It's happening to me and I use Firefox.

Do any of you have yours hooked to an external display? Initially, I thought it might be the display but tried different display units and adapters. All had the same issue. I disabled "automatic graphics switching" in system preferences based on the info in the link above, but this alone did not resolve this issue.

I have just now turned off the "Use recommended performance settings" in Firefox. Did disabling the "hardware accelerator" in Google Chrome solve the issue for you?
I still get the screen flickering in Firefox even after I've turned off "Use Recommended Performance Settings"
Almost a month later and I have yet to see any screen flickering since disabling Hardware Acceleration in Chrome. So no problems here.

We’ll I’m still having issues. I don't use Chrome. You shouldn't have to disable the browser’s hardware accelerator in order to get rid of the screen flickering as in doing this you’re sacrificing performance.

Hopefully they get their **** together on the next OS refresh....
A little over a month later and the flicker is back - had done this prior:

For my MBP with Vega 16, the Chrome tweak certainly helped (Chrome, Preferences, Advanced, System,
Use hardware acceleration when available/OFF). Note, the flickering was happening in programs outside of Chrome.​
Macbook Pro i9/32GB/1TB/Vega 20 here, less that 24 hours old. . .

Just starting having the same issue while on battery with Chrome open, shut off Hardware Acceleration as per the solution above, and was still having the issue. . . So, I checked and I had automatic graphic switching OFF. Swapped back to the Integrated GPU, and the flicker went away.

Definitely going to bring this bad boy to the Apple Store if I can Duplicate the issue.

Update: Toggling back to Integrated GFX and then back to the Discrete GPU seems to have temporarily solved my issue.
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So I think there is more evidence pointing that it is a software issue as:

1a) A good chunk of people got their VEGA MBPs before Dec 5 2018/release date of 10.14.2 (i.e. they ordered the VEGA right away) and probably didn't update to .2.
1b) I personally remember my MBP 2018 V20 running like a beaut when I picked it up (manufacture date was before Dec 5), but then this crap happened last week (I don't remember when I updated).

2) According to the release notes here:, there were some updates to drivers/firmware/OS-level stuff related to when the MBP is connected to displays (I only get the flickers when my MBP is connected to an external monitor)

  • "Resolves an issue that prevents displays from working when connected to MacBook Pro models introduced in 2018, if certain third-party USB graphics devices are also connected."
I just noticed though that you guys had these issues before 10.14.2 and without an external display - maybe we have different issues?
Hi !

Same problem here with a i9 / 32GB / 1TB / V20

Didn't notice anything the first month and since upgrading to 10.14.2 the flickering appeared.

This only happens on the internal monitor. I have used the MBP with processor/graphics heavy use with 2 external monitors and work perfectly.

Seems like something that can be fixed by a software update
+1 – also having this issue...

I've had two 15" Vega 20 2018 MBP and experienced this flickering on both. I had to return the first computer because the chassis was squeaking loudly when I typed (fresh from box).

This new one is only two days old and also flashing a black screen sometimes. Restarting seems to help temporarily.

Here's a video of the issue (I have Chrome open but the flickering is screen wide and happens with any app). MBP 2018 Vega 20 2.6ghz .mp4?dl=0
Glad I found this as I've been pulling my hair out trying to resolve the same issue. First noticed the flicking the day after getting my new 2018 MacBook Pro with Vega 20 in early December. Finally got a replacement uint from Apple yesterday after a logic board and display replacement didn't fix the issue. Started using the new one this morning and the flicking started again.

Not sure what to do now, but hopefully it's a software issue Apple can resolve and I don't need to go get a refund.
The same exact thing happened with mine.. I wound up just returning the damn thing. There’s no way I’m spending over 4K for a device that has these ridiculous problems. I’ll wait until the next MacBook Pro version to purchase a laptop... clearly apple’s QC throughout this series isn’t top notch right now.
It's the GPU drivers/acceleration. Both of mine (nTB 2016, 2017) are doing it as well when connected to external monitors (well the monitors do it). I had to track down any software that is using it and turn it off (Firefox, Chrome were among the first). But it's harder to do for VM software. Been happening since High Sierra. Latest Mojave patch improved upon it a bit, (it becomes normal when i put it to sleep and back on again) but did not solve it.
1a) A good chunk of people got their VEGA MBPs before Dec 5 2018/release date of 10.14.2 (i.e. they ordered the VEGA right away) and probably didn't update to .2.

Both my friend and I are seeing this issue with both of our 2019 MacBook Pros with Vega 20 GPUs while connected to an external display via a Thunderbolt 3 hub to HDMI. We're running 10.14.5, so they haven't fixed it in software yet.
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