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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 6, 2017
Can anyone here help me read this error message code I get? My computer seems to just randomly restart every few hours for no reason I can figure out. OS X 10.9.5, MacBook Pro.

Anonymous UUID: 8C3DB693-7BDD-A07A-1C67-658AE491EDB0

Mon Mar 12 01:38:21 2018
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8006cbdf4c): "complete() while dma active"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2422.115.15/iokit/Kernel/IOMemoryDescriptor.cpp:2620
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff80a07c3970 : 0xffffff8006823139
0xffffff80a07c39f0 : 0xffffff8006cbdf4c
0xffffff80a07c3a30 : 0xffffff7f86dfcb06
0xffffff80a07c3a70 : 0xffffff7f86df2ab2
0xffffff80a07c3ac0 : 0xffffff7f87a4b2ca
0xffffff80a07c3b10 : 0xffffff7f87a4ec3a
0xffffff80a07c3b60 : 0xffffff7f86e8a114
0xffffff80a07c3bb0 : 0xffffff7f86e8418e
0xffffff80a07c3c00 : 0xffffff7f86e8425c
0xffffff80a07c3c30 : 0xffffff7f86f057cd
0xffffff80a07c3d30 : 0xffffff7f87b03126
0xffffff80a07c3de0 : 0xffffff7f87b03f11
0xffffff80a07c3e20 : 0xffffff7f87b1182e
0xffffff80a07c3ed0 : 0xffffff7f87b19469
0xffffff80a07c3ef0 : 0xffffff8006cb1c67
0xffffff80a07c3f30 : 0xffffff8006cb0672
0xffffff80a07c3f80 : 0xffffff8006cb0747
0xffffff80a07c3fb0 : 0xffffff80068d7c67
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[815E4F64-F2D5-3847-931A-BE755698D993]@0xffffff7f86f02000->0xffffff7f86f62fff

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 13.4.0: Mon Jan 11 18:17:34 PST 2016; root:xnu-2422.115.15~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 8926E512-6714-34FC-B27C-6AE90EB51D5E
Kernel slide: 0x0000000006600000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8006800000
System model name: MacBookPro9,1 (Mac-4B7AC7E43945597E)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 36907149176412
last loaded kext at 1049584428578: 2.0.3 (addr 0xffffff7f88dba000, size 335872)
last unloaded kext at 408250541308: 1.9 (addr 0xffffff7f88dba000, size 57344)
loaded kexts:
com.m-audio.driver.firewire 1.10.5
com.logitech.manager.kernel.driver 6.30.1 2.0.3 1.9.5d0 3.0 1.60 4.2.7f5 124 100.14.34 1.0.0 2.6.3f7 3.5.13 8.2.6 1.0.0d1 2.0.4d1 1.1.2 4.2.7f5 2.6.3f7 7.0.0 1 1.7.0 1.2.5 8.2.8 1.0.0 3.6.22 8.2.8 3.0.4d1 1.0.5 240.2 240.2 325.7 1.0.0d1 1.0.0d1 1.0.0d1 35 3.6.7 404 2.6.0 683.4.0 1.5.2 3.8.1b2 700.20.22 5.0.2 3.0.5 660.4.0 683.4.0 161.0.0 2.0 2.0 1.8 2.1 2.0 1.7 217.92.1 153 3 217.92.1 1.0 10.0.7 98.26 8.2.6 8.2.6 4.2.7f5 2.2.6 1.0.0 2.6.3f7 1.0.0 4.2.2 1.9.7fc2 1.14 1.0.12d1 1.0.12d1 91.3 5.7.1d6 1.0.4 2.4.1 3.6.22 98.26 3.6.22 2.6.3f7 2.4.1 2.6.3f7 3.1.8 3.6.7 3.6.0 240.10 3.1.7 3.1.7 1.4.5 650.4.0 656.4.1 3.6.7 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.1 2.0.1 3.3.1 2.6.1 3.6.7 1.0.3b4 1.0.1b5 640.36 3.2 4.5.5 660.4.2 2.6.5 2.0 2.0 1.1 278.11.2 1.0.0d1 7 2 373 1.9 4.2.7f5 4.2.7f5 23 660.4.0 2.0.0 28.30 686.4.1 2.0 2.9 1.4 1 1.0
Model: MacBookPro9,1, BootROM MBP91.00D3.B0C, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.3 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 2.1f175
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Built-In
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, PCIe, 512 MB
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333235533643465238432D50422020
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333235533643465238432D50422020
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xF5), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 5.2.7f4 15858, 3 services, 15 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
Serial ATA Device: APPLE SSD SM128E, 121.33 GB
Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS31N
USB Device: USB 3.0 HUB

USB Device: d2 Quadra USB 3.0
USB Device: d2 USB 3.0
USB Device: d2 USB 3.0
USB Device: 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: USB2.0 Hub
USB Device: USB2.0 Hub
USB Device: Porsche Desktop
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: USB Receiver
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
USB Device: IR Receiver
USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
USB Device: USB 2.0 HUB

FireWire Device: unknown_device, Unknown
FireWire Device: FW Solo, M-Audio, Up to 400 Mb/sec
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 25.1
Did you add or update any hardware/software just before you started having the kernel panics?

Try running in safe mode. If it works there, it would likely be a driver conflict, maybe with m-audio or Logitech.

There is a post on the web about somebody who started having problems when they started using a LaCie drive, specifically a Porsche. I notice you have two LaCie drives? So if running in safe mode doesn't isolate your problem, try running it without the LaCie(s). The next candidate would be the M-Audio Firewire device. What kind of Logitech device (if any) are you using? There is a Logitech kernel extension that's running on your system.

Even though the panic occurs in IOMemoryDescriptor, other people who had this type of kernel panic didn't necessarily have RAM issues.
Did you add or update any hardware/software just before you started having the kernel panics?

Try running in safe mode. If it works there, it would likely be a driver conflict, maybe with m-audio or Logitech.

There is a post on the web about somebody who started having problems when they started using a LaCie drive, specifically a Porsche. I notice you have two LaCie drives? So if running in safe mode doesn't isolate your problem, try running it without the LaCie(s). The next candidate would be the M-Audio Firewire device. What kind of Logitech device (if any) are you using? There is a Logitech kernel extension that's running on your system.

Even though the panic occurs in IOMemoryDescriptor, other people who had this type of kernel panic didn't necessarily have RAM issues.

I did not add or update and software recently. My logitech device is a wireless mouse that I've been using for about a month. I also bought two new Lacie drives (d2, usb 3, desktop) about two months ago. But only these last two days have I been experiencing this issue. I've been using the M-Audio device for about 10 years (between different computers) and haven't had problems with it yet. Trying safe mode now.
This is hopefully obvious: check memory using memtest or Rember (memtest with GUI). I just fixed my Mac which had one of the two memory sticks develop an issue and was randomly rebooting.
This is hopefully obvious: check memory using memtest or Rember (memtest with GUI). I just fixed my Mac which had one of the two memory sticks develop an issue and was randomly rebooting.

Definitely not obvious to me (I'm not too computer savvy). I used Rember and it says 'All tests passed'.

My computer has been in safe mode all day and has not experienced any issues.
As I mentioned earlier, my read of the posts of people who have this type of kernel panic does not point to a RAM issue. Apple's documentation says the complete() call of the IOMemoryDescriptor module will "complete processing of the memory after an I/O transfer finishes" but the "dma active" indicates that I/O transfer probably didn't finish. That's my guess.

The typical fix is to see if there's a software driver issue. If that doesn't solve the issue, then one needs to see if removing external devices helps. In some cases, there may be an internal hardware issue and it's just chance that the kernel panic hasn't occurred.

The thing is that if it's a software issue and if things work in safe mode, then you have to figure out which software it is before going back to using the computer in the regular mode. If you've had the M-Audio hardware/software working well for this version of Mavericks you're using, then the logical choice would be to remove the Logitech software and see if it works. But to me, it's somewhat strange that would cause this issue. If you can do without the Logitech software and you remove it and things work and you have a solution. But if that's not the culprit, then you should probably test if kernel panics occur in normal mode without the M-Audio attached. If that's not the culprit, then I suspect there's some information that could be important that the kernel panic log is not providing. If you get to that point, you should install and run EtreCheck and post the report. EtreCheck protects personal information for reports meant to be posted online and you can do a web check and see it's a very common diagnostic tool used to diagnose problems like yours.
OP wrote:
"My computer has been in safe mode all day and has not experienced any issues."

Right away, this tells me that SOMETHING (may be a combination of things) in your regular account is "mucking things up".

In other words, the Mac itself is ok, and the basic OS install is OK, as well.

I would start out by disconnecting all the external drives (for now) -- the audio interface as well.

Run that way (in your regular account) for 2 days.
Still getting crashes and reboots?
Thank you both for the advice! I'll take the next few days to experiment with your suggestions and report back.
I've now tried running my computer with my M-audio interface, Logitech mouse and all external hard drives removed (one at a time). I am still having the same problem with random restarting (it occurs infrequently, about once or twice a day). I ran EtreCheck per your suggestion and am attaching the result here. I would be very grateful for your advice!


  • EtreCheck test1.txt
    14.1 KB · Views: 397
There's a lot going on on your computer.

Did you recently replace your battery? It says that you should be getting your battery serviced but you only have a cycle count of 14. Sometimes a mis-behaving battery can cause issues that don't seem battery-related, especially for 15" models.

You have 4GB of memory which may cause issues. If you run the Activity Monitor app, take a look at your Memory Pressure when doing typical tasks that you do and see if you get mainly red or yellow in the graph. This, combined with not much disk space on the system disk, can cause issues. With 32GB free on your system disk, that would probably be OK, but even that can be a bit tight.

You do have a lot of launch agents, launch daemons and startup items. There could be an issue with a single one of these, or a combination of one or more of these. There could also be an issue where any of these items don't work well with Mavericks - which is now 4 versions behind the current OS. The thing about using an older OS is that if you're using newer software, there may not be much testing by the software vendor with older OS's. Upgrading the OS also has possible problems so I'm not saying that you upgrade to solve your issue.

So first, figure out your hardware issues. If you bought a non-Apple battery recently and you problems happened after that, then maybe consider returning or replacing the battery. I would definitely consider upgrading memory, at least to 8GB (if your "Memory Used" shows more than 8GB, consider going to 16GB). That may help.

If you still have problems, the next step would be a arduous process of going through the launch agents, launch daemons and startup items. If you no longer are using software in the list, de-install it. If you continue to use it, check with the software vendor to see if you have the right version consistent with Mavericks. If you still have issues, then you would have to go through the list and disable each individually to see if it helps (look up how to disable it and if you get this far and need help, enter a post). As I mentioned earlier, if your Logitech device (mouse?) can work in safe mode and you don't need the Logitech software that came with the device, you might want to start there as the first software to remove.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the "video issues" repair program for MBPros. Your Mid-2012 15-inch MBPro is part of an Apple service repair program. It's related to the video issues that have affected many MBPros sold during 2011 to 2013.
Check the support article -
You will note "Computer restarts unexpectedly" is one of the symptoms reported with those failures.
Check with AppleCare to find out if your 2012 MBPro is still covered (and Apple will do a free repair under that program.)
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the "video issues" repair program for MBPros. Your Mid-2012 15-inch MBPro is part of an Apple service repair program. It's related to the video issues that have affected many MBPros sold during 2011 to 2013.
Check the support article -
You will note "Computer restarts unexpectedly" is one of the symptoms reported with those failures.
Check with AppleCare to find out if your 2012 MBPro is still covered (and Apple will do a free repair under that program.)

That program ended in late 2016 unless you're in a country that has laws that would extended it further.

If the kernel panic posted by the OP is typical of what happens when the restart occurs, I don't think it's likely that it's the video issue. If there are different kernel panics that occur or if the computer restarts without a kernel panic report, then maybe it's worth looking into. If the computer can run in safe mode without a problem, then it's not the video issue. The OP has a bunch of other issues going on with the computer that I mentioned in my previous post - I would check those first.

However, this does bring up a good point. There has been a recent rash of GPU kernel panics with the 2012 and early-2013 Retina 15" MBP's with High Sierra 10.13.3. So, for the OP, whatever you do - do not install High Sierra.
I will definitely not be updating my OS… I feel like Mavericks is about as far as I can take this computer.

I have never replaced the battery. I keep my computer plugged in and stationary all the time which I guess would explain the low count. I am having some issues with the battery though, I think I should have mentioned this before. If my computer is powered off, I sometimes can’t turn it back on without unplugging the battery and plugging it back in (the battery itself underneath the hood, not just the power cable). But after I did a repair permissions on my drive the problem seems to have corrected itself.

I tried to stress my computer but the memory pressure was pretty consistently green; I only got a small strip of yellow for a short time. Memory used shows 3.77 GB.

Do you think that an Apple Store would be able to accurately troubleshoot this for me any better than I can on my own (w/your help)? I don’t live close to one or I would have tried it already, and I’d obviously like to avoid any big ticket repairs which is something they usually push (in my experience).

I don’t mind going through the launch/startup software if that’s what it takes… I’ll start doing that today but if you have any more input regarding what I’ve written here I’d be grateful to hear it.

Thank you for sticking with me on this Treekram, I really appreciate it!!
Regarding the memory, the older Mac OS's were more efficient with memory. If you were doing the typical tasks that you usually do and use under 4GB, then that can be put aside as an issue for now.

As for the battery, if it's not convenient to go to an Apple store for them to check it out, you might also leave that aside for now. However, if you noticed the "Service Battery" warning coincided with your problems, then maybe a visit to the Apple Store to have it checked out should be done. It's $129 for "battery service" and they may be able to replace the battery (if required) while you wait or you may have to leave the computer. Apple will not send the battery as a replacement part to you. I think you can ask for a shipping package and send it to them or you can go to an Apple-authorized service provider.

Whether or not the Genius Bar can help solve the issue if it is a purely software issue is a good question. Maybe yes, maybe no. If it was an easy trip, I would say try that. Since it isn't and you're willing to work through the various software you have installed, you should probably do that first. (The issue is how much time they're allowed to look at issues like this, not competency.)

[EDIT: You have the non-Retina 2012 model so the part about the Retina computer doesn't apply to you.]
So the first thing you should do and DeltaMac said reminded me of this - you open the "Console" app (in the Applications/Utilties folder) and under reports, look under "System Reports". This may be different for Mavericks. If it is you need to look through the different report categories. You're looking for reports that start with "Kernel_" and end with ".panic". Look through these reports to if they look like the report you posted in your first post. Also see if you either have reports that mention "GPU" in the early part of the report or if the number and timing of the kernel panic reports are noticeably less than the restarts you're experiencing. If that's the case, you may have the "video issue" that some of these computers had. For the people who have the 2012 or early-2013 15" Retina MBP's and recently reported GPU kernel panics after upgrading to High Sierra 10.13.3 - it seems that most of them did not have their computer serviced for this issue so it appears this "video issue" was not widespread or at least not widely noticed. In any case, if you do have different kernel panic reports from the one you have here, post it. You can copy and paste the report from the Console app.

After that, you can start removing software you don't need and see what happens. I see you have Java. The place that it usually will cause an issue is with the applets (web application run through the browser). You can disable Java applet support (Javascript is different and you likely will not want to disable that) in the browsers you use. That will suffice for testing purposes instead of removing the software since you may have a dependency from other apps (Adobe apps, for example).

As I mentioned earlier, if you can use your Logitech device in safe mode and you don't use the Logitech software, that's a good place to start.

Also, be sure to have a current backup (or two by different methods). You may remove software that you may want back but which is difficult to get due to you using Mavericks.
Last edited:
Hm, the Console looks interesting, thanks for telling me about that... I see about 30 or so instances that start with 'Kernel' and end with '.panic'. They begin on the same day I had a power outage... which was the last time I had a lot of trouble getting my computer to turn back on. I can't really see big differences between each report but I don't really know what I'm looking for. I guess I should probably get to an Apple store.
For the kernel panic log, if they also say "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8006cbdf4c): "complete() while dma active"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2422.115.15/iokit/Kernel/IOMemoryDescriptor.cpp:2620" near the top, then they're the same kernel panic. If instead, it says something like *GPU* instead of IOMemoryDescriptor, then perhaps it's a GPU problem but as I mentioned in my edit looking at the Etrecheck report a second time, you have the non-Retina model which shouldn't have the video issues of the Retina model of the same year.

If your MBP failed to hold power during a power outage (unless you had a long outage with the computer not in sleep or hibernation), then you have a battery problem. The 15" MBP's tend to require battery power even when plugged in to the wall outlet. If you run it without the battery, the system will do things to compensate which affects the performance of the system. If you go to a Genius Bar, you can ask them about that and how it applies to your model. You can also ask them about whether it could have caused the kernel panics. If it's too difficult to get to an Apple Store, you can go to an authorized service provider and they may or may not be able to provide the same information. The Apple Store may require you to leave the computer to get the battery replaced - you should call and ask if they can guarantee same-day service or not.
Made the trek to the Genius Bar yesterday. They suggested I restore my hard drive and that the battery problem is almost definitely unrelated to the restart issue (but that it would still be good to replace it). I'm going to continue on with troubleshooting for a while before I do a restore, but I will try that before paying for a repair.

Problem Description/Diagnosis
Issue: Customer states device unexpectedly powers off and restarts saying it shut down due to a problem.
Battery also has to be unplugged and plugged back in to power machine back in off it is turned off
Steps to Reproduce: Ran Mac resource inspector and battery does not pass
Read consoles and a possible hardware or software issue is found when software attempts to communicate with RAM.
In addition, pressed power button and got no option to restarted or shut down the machine, indicating is does not recognize the input.
Cosmetic Condition: Minor scratches to bottom case, sticker on bottom case
Proposed Resolution: Offered replacement of battery and top case to resolve battery and power button issues.
Recommended customer restore device to eliminate software issues.
If issue persists, customer may pursue ram upgrade instead of ram repair
customer has backup, quoted 3- 5 days
Estimated Turn Around Time: We'll call you in 3 - 5 days
Mac OS Version: 10.9.x
Hard Drive Size: 121
Memory Size: 4096
iLife Version: 13

Employee 1359049557

Repair Estimate
Item Number Description Price Amount Due Customer KBB
661-04563 SVC,BATTERY,LITH ION $ 129.00 $ 129.00
661-6509 Housing, Top Case $ 169.32 $ 169.32
S1490LL/A Hardware Repair Labor $ 79.00 $ 79.00
Total (Tax not included) $ 377.32 $ 377.32
Do you know if they did a SMC reset? If they did, ignore the rest of this paragraph. That would be strange if they didn't since "responding to press of the power button" is one of the things that the SMC handles. Read through the following document and decide if you want to do it. Note that this requires holding down the power key for 10 seconds (your MBP is classified as having a nonremovable battery) and there may be a small risk of something going wrong since they have diagnosed issues with the power button.

It seems like a lot of money (almost $250) just to fix the power button to get the additional options. I'm also wondering if replacing the battery won't fix these issues.

If you do restore, you should consider having at least two backups if you don't already have them. Since it appears you already have a Time Machine backup, consider doing a clone backup of your system disk. A lot of people use Carbon Copy. There's a 30-day free trial.
I tried a SMC reset when I started having this problem and just tried it again now but still nothing. The Apple store did not try this. I do have three backups of my drive (I use Intego but have also used and liked Carbon Copy)... though if I restore, and then use my backup, wouldn't the software issue still exist there?
I tried a SMC reset when I started having this problem and just tried it again now but still nothing. The Apple store did not try this. I do have three backups of my drive (I use Intego but have also used and liked Carbon Copy)... though if I restore, and then use my backup, wouldn't the software issue still exist there?

So the SMC reset didn't fix the "pressed power button and got no option to restarted or shut down the machine, indicating is does not recognize the input" problem?

According to what you posted, they suggested "Recommended customer restore device to eliminate software issues."

If they meant a restore from your latest backup onto a clean disk, there are some system files that most backup software won't backup and will get re-generated if they don't exist. There's probably a low probability of that fixing anything.

If they meant just reinstalling the OS over what you have now, sometimes that does clear up some problems. Obviously, for this you need a Mavericks installer.

The type of restore that usually will fix the most problems that can be fixed is the clean install - erase the disk, install the OS and reinstall all of your software and data, one-by-one. That's likely to be quite a bit of work in your case.

To me, the second option (reinstalling the OS over what you have now) would offer the best chance of success with the least amount of work. The clean install option is a lot of work but if you have a lot of software now that you are not using or if you're unsure if you need it any more - that may be worthwhile as it may clean up a lot of muck on your computer. However, if you don't have Mavericks-compatible installers (and the software vendors don't have it available for download) for the software you want to re-install, then you really shouldn't use this option
Right, the SMC reset did not fix that problem.

I don't quite understand about installing the Mavericks OS over what I have now. Does that mean like getting an .ISO file of it? And do I use Disk Utility in Recovery mode to do this?

I suppose I wouldn't mind terribly doing a full restore if it comes down to it. Overall the computer is still fast and works very well. I wanted to ask you, if I did end up doing a clean install, would you recommend updating my OS to the latest version? I realize some of my software won't work but if I'm gonna be reinstalling everything one by one, I'm sure I could figure things out. I was under the impression that using the newest OS on an older computer would slow things down, but the genius bar employee told me that's not the case and that they recommend using the latest OS for any computer that was produced after 2010. Kind of jumping the gun with this question...but I'm curious.

Thank you again!
To install Mavericks over your your current disk, you use a Mavericks installer, run from either a USB flash drive or one your USB drives making your current disk the target. If you can't get the current update version (the .X version), you'd have to install the updates after that. The idea is that if you have a corrupt system file someplace, it will be replaced. It would (probably) also clear out the cache and work files that the OS creates and maintains.

Anybody who works for Apple will tell you to install the latest macOS or iOS version and if you don't have the hardware to run it, get a new computer (or iPhone/iPad/iWatch/AppleTV). If you want to stay current with the latest security updates, you probably want to be on at least on El Capitan. As mentioned earlier, I would probably stay away from High Sierra. I run Sierra on my 2012 13" MBP and two other computers and I'm happy with the way it runs. I haven't tried High Sierra yet. The problem for your system in upgrading is that you probably will need more memory. A bigger problem is that I see people who run audio hardware have had problems with it not working in later OS's - but I don't know if that would apply in your case. You should look on the web with the search term including your audio hardware name, the name of the OS and the word "problem" to see what people are experiencing. If you want to proceed down this path, make sure you have ample backup. Download the Sierra installer:

You need to have iTunes on your computer. The installer is an app and will appear in the Applications folder. At this point, there are at least a couple of different ways to do a clean install. If you get to this point and need advice, just ask.
Address the broken solder joints on U8900 and your problem will be fixed. You can see what yours likely looks like at the moment here.

When you have this machine refurbished by Apple, they put a little cushion on the chip to smash it to the board... which isn't exactly a great fix, but at least acknowledges they are aware that this area is the problem.

edit: I'm dumb. I didn't ask for model clarification.
Last edited:
Address the broken solder joints on U8900 and your problem will be fixed. You can see what yours likely looks like at the moment here.

When you have this machine refurbished by Apple, they put a little cushion on the chip to smash it to the board... which isn't exactly a great fix, but at least acknowledges they are aware that this area is the problem.

There was a misunderstanding at some point in this thread - the OP has the non-Retina 2012 MBP. Does the U8900 problem affect those as well?
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