I currently have a macbook pro 17 inch that is 7 1/2 years old and still running fine, if a bit slow. I plan on buying one of the new MacBooks pros that recently came out. While I am fortunate in being able to afford any machine I want, I grew up of modest means so would prefer not to purchase stuff that I don't need. I would like to get a macbook pro which is relatively future protected so I can use it for years (like I have my 17 inch). I don't necessarily need a 15 inch screen as I plan on getting the 27 inch LG monitor listed on the apple site. I don't need to worry about it being small (13 inch) to travel as I won't be traveling much with it.
I don't play games on it, I don't do video editing but I do use photoshop on occasion to tweak my pictures. Recommendations? Would my needs be met with a 13" 2.9 GHZ core i5, or at the other end of the spectrum the 15 inch 2.9GhZ core i7 or something in between? If the 15 inch, should I opt for the graphics card upgrade to the Radeon Pro 460?
I don't play games on it, I don't do video editing but I do use photoshop on occasion to tweak my pictures. Recommendations? Would my needs be met with a 13" 2.9 GHZ core i5, or at the other end of the spectrum the 15 inch 2.9GhZ core i7 or something in between? If the 15 inch, should I opt for the graphics card upgrade to the Radeon Pro 460?