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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 6, 2008
This issue is pissing me off. I've got Comcast Xfinity with a 105mbps connection coming through my Macbook. When I run the same speed tests on my iDevices, off the same server, I barely ever get past 20mbps. My router's an Airport Extreme. Is it some sort of setting I have wrong?
Do you really need it to be any faster on your iPad than it already is?

I take it by your smug fatherly response that you have no idea. And yes, when my iDevices are getting less than a quarter of the speed my computers are getting, I'd like to figure out why.
I take it by your smug fatherly response that you have no idea. And yes, when my iDevices are getting less than a quarter of the speed my computers are getting, I'd like to figure out why.

You're right, I don't know why. However, the point I was making still stands. Also you'll never reach that upper limit for anything you'll actually be downloading anyways, so I'm failing to see why this 'issue' is worth worrying about.
This issue is pissing me off. I've got Comcast Xfinity with a 105mbps connection coming through my Macbook. When I run the same speed tests on my iDevices, off the same server, I barely ever get past 20mbps. My router's an Airport Extreme. Is it some sort of setting I have wrong?
tell us more.

Which iDevices?
Which airport extreme? there have been many.
What all devices do you have on the network? Any G devices? Maybe a thermostat, a wifi speaker, etc?

Only the Air/rmini is capable of 100mbps speed test.
The iPhone 5/5S is capable of about 75.
You're right, I don't know why. However, the point I was making still stands. Also you'll never reach that upper limit for anything you'll actually be downloading anyways, so I'm failing to see why this 'issue' is worth worrying about.

Perhaps you don't stream a lot of live stuff. It makes a difference. What's strange about your question is that you seem to think a person should be contented with something functioning improperly, so long as it sorta functions. It's a very odd sort of mentality.
tell us more.

Which iDevices?
Which airport extreme? there have been many.
What all devices do you have on the network? Any G devices? Maybe a thermostat, a wifi speaker, etc?

Only the Air/rmini is capable of 100mbps speed test.
The iPhone 5/5S is capable of about 75.

Thanks for your reply.

It's a 4th gen Airport Extreme
They're all iPad Airs and iPhone 5 and 5s
I don't have any G devices

What's odd is that I have gotten one or two tests a couple days ago on my iPad air of close to 50. Even still, why only half the speed if it's capable of more? I've combed through google and I can't find anything definitive.
Macbook Pro Wifi @ 108mbps, iPad/iPhone @ 18mbps. Why?

Thanks for your reply.

It's a 4th gen Airport Extreme

They're all iPad Airs and iPhone 5 and 5s

I don't have any G devices

What's odd is that I have gotten one or two tests a couple days ago on my iPad air of close to 50. Even still, why only half the speed if it's capable of more? I've combed through google and I can't find anything definitive.

Worst case, they are connecting on the slower 2.4ghz band, because they see a higher signal strength on it.
75ish mbps on iPad
30-40ish on those iPhone's.

So that still doesn't fully explain it, but we'll address that later, lets get you up to that speed first.

I still suspect something is dragging the airport down into G compatibility mode. I lock mine to N only so it doesn't happen. Try that.

Under advanced, wifi settings, radio mode
Macbook Pro Wifi @ 108mbps, iPad/iPhone @ 18mbps. Why?

Experiment with the prior post.

Then Step 2.

Give your 5ghz network a different name. Home-N vs Home-N5. So that when you connect to the network Home-N5 you definitely know you are on the 5ghz band.

Do that with your idevices.
IPad air should be able to hit 100mbps speedtest.
IPhone 5/5S will top around 75.

Experiment awhile, if no success, report back, I have one more thought.

Ive personally had stability issues running the SSID split with mine, so. I keep it combined, even with the speed hit if they authenticate on the 2.4ghz, its not a big deal.
Experiment with the prior post.

Then Step 2.

Give your 5ghz network a different name. Home-N vs Home-N5. So that when you connect to the network Home-N5 you definitely know you are on the 5ghz band.

Do that with your idevices.
IPad air should be able to hit 100mbps speedtest.
IPhone 5/5S will top around 75.

Experiment awhile, if no success, report back, I have one more thought.

Ive personally had stability issues running the SSID split with mine, so. I keep it combined, even with the speed hit if they authenticate on the 2.4ghz, its not a big deal.

Hey, sorry it's taken me so long to post. I've had a crazy set of shifts.

So I tried dedicating a 5ghz signal and connecting my iPad to it. Strangely, it ticked higher, topping out at 40mbps before dropping back down to its ~16. My Macbook still gets the 100+ on the same signal. It's inconsistent. I'm thinking of just scrapping the Airport Extreme and going with an ASUS router. I can't even set the thing to ONLY broadcast an N signal.

Thank you so much for trying to help. I'm not sure what else can be done.
Ok, I take that back, I was able to put the router in N only mode via the Airport utility on the iPad. Still isn't solving the problem. I again got one speed test at 50mbps, but can't get it again. Macbook still getting 110-120 every time.

I've tried resetting network settings on the iPad as well. Nada
Ok, I take that back, I was able to put the router in N only mode via the Airport utility on the iPad. Still isn't solving the problem. I again got one speed test at 50mbps, but can't get it again. Macbook still getting 110-120 every time.

I've tried resetting network settings on the iPad as well. Nada

Try one last thing, set your channel to 149. 149-161 per FCC spec *can* transmit at higher power than other channels and without disturbance avoidance algorithms.

I know it's capable, I've seen two Airport Extreme's + iPad Air score 102mbps.
Open Airport utility on your Macbook, click the Airport. Hold option and click edit. Select your iPad and look at what the data rate, RSSI and Mode is.
In the same boat

I'm experiencing the same issue, except at lower speeds. I have a current gen AirPort Extreme with an iPad air and an iPhone 5s. AT&T has me at 45 Mbps, which I get the full speeds wired and around 38Mbps wireless on my MacBook pro. In the same room, on the same SSID, I get around 20-24 on my iPad and iPhone. Absolutely befuddled. Will give internet high fives to anyone who can direct me to a solution.
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