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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2015
Last night my Macbook Pro died. (Late 2011, 17 inch, 2.5 GHz i7, 8 GB RAM, 750 GB HDD, OSX 10.8 or 10.7)

Thanks to a hard whack on the top, the laptop stopped booting. When I press the power button, I get the chime, then the grey screen with the apple logo and animated grey circle. The machine just hangs on this screen indefinitely.

To troubleshoot, I booted into Single User Mode (Command-S on boot) to view the boot process details on-screen (Note: Possibly I used Command-Shift-V at this stage; I can't recall frankly). Here the process stopped with two instances of "disk0s2: I/O error."

Next I booted into the Recovery Partition (Command-R) and ran the Disk Utility. I did a few things here, focusing on the "Macintosh HD" partition of my hard drive. Verify Disk reported "Invalid node structure" and "The volume was found corrupt and needs to be repaired."

So I ran Repair Disk on "Macintosh HD." After about 15 minutes of running, the progress bar had not changed (see image). Also the machine was making periodic squeak/click noises that I associate with a damaged hard drive, so in order to avoid further disk damage I powered off and have not done any more troubleshooting.

So what do you think? Should I try Repair Disk again (and maybe risk damage)? Should I swap out the hard drive? (Note: I build my own computers but am not confident inside a Macbook). Open it up myself and re-seat the drive? Take it to Tekserv and just let them deal with it? Anything I haven't thought of?

Thanks for your help!

disk repair.JPG


macrumors 603
Mar 14, 2008
If you're lucky, you may simply have knocked the hard drive cable slightly loose.

Else I'd say your hard whack probably killed your hard drive.
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