I have a MacBook Pro mid 2012 that has just become ultra slow, I mean I can type and wait for it to show. It has 16 GB of memory, and usually runs with 8-7 GB free, i7 processor and 2.9 GHz and a Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB. All this started after installing Mojave, which has been taken off and Hight Sierra put back on. All systems have been checked at Apple store and have no issues per store ran system check software. Example of how slow is it took two and a half days to convert a MKV file to MP4 using handbrake. Apple support has me redo harddrive and reinstall hight Sierra a couple times. No help. Has anyone had this type of issue and if so was there a any success fixing the issue? It is driving me nuts, all help will be appreciated.