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macrumors newbie
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Dec 14, 2016
Hi guys, I'm going to Tokyo, Japan in February 2017. and I'm interested in buying new Macbook Pro there. The only thing that bothers me is the keyboard layout. I found some stores in Akihabara, but neither of them have Mac with US layout. I know that US layout is probably available in Apple Ginza, but it's much cheaper in Akihabara stores. I'm interested whether you bought Macbook with US layout there, and what stores have you visited.
You can go into the Apple store and buy it there with alternative options like your keyboard. If they don't have it stock—and they probably won't—then they'll either ship it to your house, or you can get it arranged for an in-store pickup when it arrives (not 100% on the latter, it might depend on country). All countries AFAIK give the standard option to buy Macs with US keyboard layout with no extra steps or tricks. The converse, for some reason, is not the case (i.e. I don't believe you can order, say, a Russian keyboard layout in a store in the US). I've bought Macs in Apple stores in a couple different countries that don't use the US keyboard layout and it has always been easy to get the US version.

It's also kind of unusual that it's cheaper in one store than the other; I've never heard of Apple stores within a specific region being differentiated at all. Is that some uniquely Japanese promotion?
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There are several big stores in Japan, Bic Camera and Yodobashi Camera. Those are offering 8% tax doscount, and 5% on that price if you pay with VISA. So it's 12.6% at total. I wanted to ask whether somebody bought US keyboard in these stores.
There are several big stores in Japan, Bic Camera and Yodobashi Camera. Those are offering 8% tax doscount, and 5% on that price if you pay with VISA. So it's 12.6% at total. I wanted to ask whether somebody bought US keyboard in these stores.

Sorry, I didn't realize you meant from a non-Apple store. That's a very specific question then for you Tokyo. Good luck finding the answer!

One alternative idea: if you or a close family member is eligible for the education discount, you can also do that and get ~10% off from the Apple store.
Actually I'm eligible, but I don't know whether they will accept it, because I'm not from Japan.
The Apple Store will accept any university or school ID — it's not a very strict or regulated program. Third party retails will not give you a student discount on top of their sale price (since otherwise they will lose money), although it looks like in your case the akihabara discount is still better by a couple to a few thousand yen, depending on what you buy, than the Apple store student discount.

Or get one with a Japanese keyboard! You can just set a different keyboard in the software, and it will be a good "trial by fire" exercise to learn how to touch type. (Though anyway all the letters are in the same place, as are many of the special characters.)

I have one with the local keyboard now, and I kind of like traveling with it. People see it and often comment like "oh whoa that's a weird keyboard".
I heard that they aren't very strict about educational discounts, too. But, I'm not from US. Actually, K12 system is not applied in my country, and there aren't university or school IDs (it sounds very strage). In fact, we are carrying "Index"(a small book with a picture, pesonal data and all the marks from college etc). I doubt they will accept it...

I've been searching for stores in Akihabara that are selling Macbooks with US keyboard. It turned out that only one store, besides the Apple Store, sells them. That's Mac Collection, but they aren't offering Visa discount on Apple products, so Apple Store has a better offer.

Japanese keyboard... I mean, not only that US is much cleaner and better looking than Japanese, but also I won't be needing Kana for sure. I definitely don't want to pay 2500$ for Mac with that keyboard.
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