Recently I bought a Macintosh II on craigslist, with a 640x480 monitor, and the computer had the FDHD upgrade kit, with new ROMs and 68MB of RAM, which I didn't know at the time. He had a cardboard box with all the original cords, some modem stuff etc, as well as a wrapped box that says "Open second for learning and reference materials.". When I unwrapped the box, there was a small card that said "Open third for important documents and details.". On the inside of it were four rainbow Apple stickers, two small, two big, an Apple Software License, Apple's One-Year Limited Warranty, and a card that references the Customer Assistance Center, for help. Then, there is a wrapped "Getting Started With Your Macintosh" Manual, that doesn't say for what computer on the back or front, and I really don't wanna unwrap it. Then there's a small booklet titled "HyperCard Basics", but it doesn't say anything about what computer on it either. Then there's a giant book titled "Macintosh Reference", which also doesn't say for what computer it's for. Finally, under all of that, were three system disks. They say System Startup, System Additions, & HyperCard Program.
Box Isometric:
Box Side:
Box Isometric:
Box Side: