For C33 & C36 on the 240Volt International Analog Board, your Y2 capacitors are -
4700 pico farad <------- THIS IS CRITICAL
Class Y2 <------- THIS IS CRITICAL
300Volts AC (or at least 275VAC)
lead spacing 10.2mm <------- THIS IS CRITICAL Give or take 1mm
Width 5.1mm
Length 13.5mm
Height 10.5mm
For the Kemet Evox Rifa (the original parts)
Old Kemet PN P272HL472M300
New Kemet PN PME271YA4470M
For C37 on the 240Volt International Analog Board, your X2 capacitor is -
0.47 micro farad (470 nano farad)
Class X2 <------- THIS IS CRITICAL
275Volts AC
Width 15.3 <------- THIS IS FAIRLY CRITICAL
Height 22
Length 30.5 <------- THIS IS FAIRLY CRITICAL
Lead Spacing 25.4mm <------- THIS IS CRITICAL Give or take 1mm
New Kemet PN PME271M647K
Old Kemet PN P276EL474K275
However, provided you meet the above criteria, you should be fine.
From your pictures, it looks like the other capacitor C37 may have already been replaced.
As for where to buy, looking at a few in your location, many don't sell Class X2 or Y2 caps or they only sell Class X2.