My main machine is an old but powerful late 2011 MPRro with 1TB SSD and 16GB RAM, the most task intense activity is photo editing with LightRoom, no big deal but some 36MP files which make fans spin...
I would like to get an used MacMini to handle the photo catalogue and thought of a 2012 or later Mini but with a budget of 300euros or so, I can then use my 1TB SSD and upgrade RAM to at least 8GB but wondering if switching from my i7 to a more recent i5 CPU would make a difference towards lower end rather than at least equal.
I would like to get an used MacMini to handle the photo catalogue and thought of a 2012 or later Mini but with a budget of 300euros or so, I can then use my 1TB SSD and upgrade RAM to at least 8GB but wondering if switching from my i7 to a more recent i5 CPU would make a difference towards lower end rather than at least equal.