It seems the new Sierra 10.12.4 Beta file verifying upon files like .pkg and .mkv or anything else is annoying too many people.
And here I find a solution to solve it by completely bypassing the System Check, which may seem to be either ANGEL or EVIL choice, and you roll the dice.
Open up terminal.app, and run this:
defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool NO
1: Restart is required to make it work.
2: Be aware that this effectively disables Gatekeeper and XProtect. (Thanks to @KALLT.)
(You will find these references are much more tasteful than this thread I'm typewriting, go ahead and you will get more.)
1. http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20091208050655947
2. http://rentzsch.tumblr.com/post/267379307/disable-and-recover-from-mac-os-xs-quarantine
Hope it helps. Good luck to anyone who's stuck at this.
UPDATED on 22 Feb:
According to @rellimjd , it seems that macOS 10.12.4 Beta 3 have fixed this?
Caz I haven't upgraded to this Beta 3 yet, I'm not sure if it did fix.
In case you need it to reverse the command above, use the following code mentioned by @KALLT
defaults delete com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine
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