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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 23, 2020
Hi there,

I hope ther is anybody out there, who can say something about the follownig problem:

I have a 2018-Macbook Pro as main productive computer. I used it with Catalina up to 2 weeks ago because I didn't see any reason to update. But finally I updated to macOS 11.7.8

The update went well and in the fist week after the update everything seemed fine until last Monday. The day before, everything had just been fine before shutting down. But even while booting it up on Monday it reacted strange. The booting-process was unusually slow. But the logon-screen appearesd an I could enter the credentials. Then it stuck in the follow-up booting-process. At first there was just the turning circle in the middle of the screen with normal mouse-pointer. But after one click the mouer-pointer started beach-balling. and the fan turned up. After about 2 minutes I forcefully turned it off. Next try, same reactions, again forcefully turned off. Then I turned it on in safe-mode and everything was ok so far. Next reboot in normal mode with strange, slow reacion as before. Luckily I had a second user on the machine and I tested this. At first it was fine but the longer the machine was on the stranger it reacted even with the second user.

So I thought anything must have gone wrong with the update. To examine that further, next day I formatted and partitioned the ssd serveral times in recovery-mode and reinstalled macos 11.7.8 from there. Then I only installed a few apps from the app-store like Pages, Numbers and Microsoft-rdp-client. At first everything was fine. User logged on and the machine was operable throughout the day (about 5 hours). Then all of a sudden the weird reactions came back. Mouse pointer started beach-balling again and fan went up

I restarted and did diagnosis. Diagnosis was without any findings. After serveral tries I got a working sesion and checked the machine with etre-check. Again without any findings, it even stated the machine had a good performance. What struck me, was that the OS stated the battery was in poor condition and needed service.

At this point I resigned. After a few further tries I got another working session. I took the opportunity to create a Catalina-bootable-USB-stick. This went well. So I formatted the ssd once more in recovery-mode and then downgraded to Catalina. This was last Wenesday. Yesterday and today everything works fine and like before the update to 11.7.8. Even the battery ist stated as being in normal condition and fan reacts nomal too.

So the question is: What (in BigSur) has caused this. What is so strange in BigSur that a machine is nearly dying? I searched the web but didn't find anythig. Most strange thing is that throught one week on BigSur everything was nearly more than fine with the machine
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I also did a clean BigSur-installation from recovery-mode, when the first update-attempt showed the described problens, with formatting the ssd before and even setting-up a non recommended filesystem to force the installer to change the filesystem to whatever it thinks is best. In the end it was APFS again. But this didn't help, the problems were the same, even with little idndividual data on it. I also checked the ssd, always without any findings. So there was nothing to repair.
So, in the end, I did come to some solution. After trying all OS-versons from the initial macOS 10.13, I came to the following findings:

macOS 10.13 - worked
macOS 10.14 - didn't work (beachballing after the second or third login)
macOs 10.15 - worked
macOS 11 - didn't work (beachballing or black screen after the second or third login)
macOS 12 - didn't work (beachballing or black screen after the second or third login)
macOS 13 - works so far, with no issues

So I'm on Ventura now with this machine. The OS feels a little strange in system-settings after so many years with another layout of functions. But the nasty padlock is gone and system asks for credentials after channgig settings

Still I don't know what makes the machine acting so strangely with most of the OS
Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I have no idea what cause this issue. Good to know that you found the latest OS has no issue.
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