macOS 13.4 Beta 3
Release Date ― April 25, 2023Build Number ― 22F5049e
Update Size ― 1.39 GB (From 13.4 Beta 2)
macOS Storage Size after updating: 13.47 GB
Apple Silicon System Firmware Version ― 8422.120.65
T2 BridgeOS System Firmware Version ― Pending
New Features & Changes
Resolved Issues
New Issues
Remaining Issues
- (⚠️MAJOR ISSUE⚠️) Apps downloaded from the App Store will take a very long time to download (FB12133576)
- QuickTime Player does not record the first couple of seconds when you use a Microphone (FB10086556)
- Workaround: Wait around 5 seconds after seeing the yellow indicator in the Menu Bar, or use a different app for your recording needs
- Issue present since macOS 12.0
- Alarms may not play when your display is asleep for a long period of time (FB10086690)
- Workaround: Make your display not fall asleep in Settings > Lock Screen > Turn display off on ____ when inactive. You can turn your brightness off.
- Issue present since macOS 13.0
- File Not Found error persists when trying to open some files (or moved files) in the Finder
- Quicklook crashes, and will not preview images and other files in the Finder
- Opening a new Safari Tab (when in dark mode) sometimes shows a white window with white text
Additional Notes
- Please know, Memory Management has always been an issue on any OS (not just Apple's). If you believe there is a Memory Leak, please go to the Apple Menu > Restart > Restart to fix it.
- When a new macOS release comes out, all issues automatically go to "Untested Issues" until they are moved by someone. Issues that stay in Untested for 3 releases (beta or smooth) will be removed from all future threads. When there is a new macOS release, please be sure to let us know about the issue's status by moving it to either "Remaining Issues" or "Resolved Issues"
- macOS Ventura Preview
- macOS Ventura Features
- macOS 13.4 Release Notes
- Apple Security Updates
- Become an Apple Beta Tester
Feel free to add in any issues or new features that you have spotted in this release by clicking the "Edit" button below.
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