I have an experience with it to relate.
I keep an "experimental external SSD" with Ventura on it.
My "daily driver" is a 2018 Mini which still has Mojave on it (so I can run 32 bit software).
When the "release candidate" was posted, I installed it onto my external boot SSD.
Ventura seems to run OK, BUT...
... the firmware update seems to have changed something "deep down" regarding how the screen saver and screen locker work.
On Ventura, everything is normal.
... Back on Mojave (internal drive), any time I use the screen saver, it goes to the screen LOCK and requires my administrative password to unlock.
Even if I have it set to NOT REQUIRE a password for a set interval (say, 30 minutes), or not require a password at all.
Regardless, it still locks the screen and needs a password to "get back in".
In all my 35 years of using Macs, I have NEVER seen a firmware update that messed up the behavior of the Mac when using an earlier version of the OS.
But this one... DID.
NVram reset doesn't help, and can't find any terminal commands that can disable the screen locker.
I'm stuck with it now -- unless Apple corrects this in a future firmware update (I doubt they will), or until I get another Mac...
That's my report...