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macrumors G5
Original poster
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Just installed macOS Sierra on this second hand Mac mini ... it's been since Panther that I've used OSX and that was a very long time ago. Many things forgotten.

First shock is how clean and polished the UI is however the "flat" look is a bit annoying. I feel a computer should be able to handle shading, 3D UI tricks and such and shows the depth of care and detail within the OS and not just gimmicks that are not really transferring efficiencies to the average user.

Some things are too shocking:
GarageBand - $6.99CAN
^ When the hell was this a cost?! I thought the iLife would continue without the charges and only specifics like tutoring would be charged? (I did enjoy paying for the OS upgrade back in early OSX days). Although it's still free on iOS and that has more users than MacOS.
iPhoto is still free and incorporated that also was part of iLife back in the day, I guess not all of my "I" life is good enough lol.
iMessage alerts are delayed. I logged on 2 days since my last use and the notification shows the message from that date, not what was recently sent to me from the same person, hmm. is this normal?

all in all still feels good to be back on this platform for personal and home use vs troubleshooting Windows at work.
It's still nice, but yeah....

GarageBand: all handled thru the Mac App Store now. So once you have a license assigned to your Apple ID, it's "free." Typically offers to link when you buy a new Mac. On an older Mac, the MAS scans for the old version of GarageBand, then offers an update as a means of assigning the license to your Apple ID.

iMessage is super annoying to me. I use a variety of Macs; some might not get touched for days. So inevitably when I use a Mac for the first time in a few days, it's dinging for a solid couple minutes as iMessages and texts from my iPhone sync over. So irritating. It immediately marks them as read, so why can't it suppress the notifications? :mad:
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It's still nice, but yeah....

GarageBand: all handled thru the Mac App Store now. So once you have a license assigned to your Apple ID, it's "free." Typically offers to link when you buy a new Mac. On an older Mac, the MAS scans for the old version of GarageBand, then offers an update as a means of assigning the license to your Apple ID.

iMessage is super annoying to me. I use a variety of Macs; some might not get touched for days. So inevitably when I use a Mac for the first time in a few days, it's dinging for a solid couple minutes as iMessages and texts from my iPhone sync over. So irritating. It immediately marks them as read, so why can't it suppress the notifications? :mad:

Thanks for the explanation of the license for previous GarageBand purchases. Another reason why I should've kept my former iCloud account and why Apple still doesn't allow anyone to migrate to a new ID. I'll see if I have an old OSX DVD and try to install using remote dvd.

Dang you must be very frustrated with iMessage notifications.
Try this:
Spotlight search: Notifications (top hit)
Therein, "Messages" you have the options:
Show Notifications on Lock Screen
Show Message Preview (When Unlocked / Always - if above choice is enabled)
Show message preview
show in notification centre
Badge app icon
Play Sound for Notifications.

when adjusting these hopefully this helps you.
Thanks for the explanation of the license for previous GarageBand purchases. Another reason why I should've kept my former iCloud account and why Apple still doesn't allow anyone to migrate to a new ID. I'll see if I have an old OSX DVD and try to install using remote dvd.

Dang you must be very frustrated with iMessage notifications.

If you've got an older iLife DVD, you may be able to get that to work... May need to adjust your date back a few years due to expired security certificates in the installer, though. Pretty sure that's technically legal since you'd own the older iLife license, which you'd then upgrade for free via MAS.

As far as notification settings — I suppose that would solve that issue, but then I wouldn't be notified of messages that are actually new! Thanks anyway. :)
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Lots of of apps will give free upgrades, e.g. If you have Pages '11 or iMovie you can upgrade to the latest version free. Not so with GarageBand it seems, if you want the new one you need to buy it from the App Store.
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