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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 9, 2017
Hi all,

I have a problem with macos Sierra: when I freeze or I lock the pc (or the screen), I have to re-authenticate obviuously, but Ethernet lose the connection.
It seems that the pc can't use anymore the Ethernet.

The only thing that it seems to work is to remove the Ethernet adapter from the laptop and reconnect it.

There is any way to avoid the Ethernet suspension? I think this is an hardware issue that can be solved with some configuration.

Does the ethernet adapter also have a driver file that you installed?

Sounds like some kind of conflict with the driver. Almost as if when you put the Mac to sleep, it "ejects" the USB device.

a. Go to the energy saver control panel
b. UNcheck "put hard disks to sleep when possible" (if there's a checkmark in the box)
c. Does doing this change anything?

You might check for an updated driver.
Maybe even hunting for a different driver might work.
I have tried the b) suggestion.
For now I have tried a suspension after 1 minute, without hard disk suspension.
With this test the Ethernet has lost the connection, but the periferic was still working and it got the connection another time.
I will try with 15 minutes of suspension time (the time that I had setted).
Most windows computers turn off the usb port when sleeping, seems that something like this is happening to your computer, you need to check if you have installed some kind of software that uses the usb port, like a driver for usb scanner or similar. I will try to check my iMac when home to see if it disconnects the usb port when locked ( I have a usb ethernet adaptor somewher to check it).
Which brand, and which model/type?

It's an AUKEY CB-C17.
I think that it can be the real cause of the problem at this point.
I didn't buy it (it's a business computer provided to me by my company).

The device works well until I lock the computer, when I lock it for more than 15 minutes the device lose the Ethernet connection. Obviously I can't have the absolute certainty until I will not try another device.
I'd just order the Apple USB-to-ethernet adapter and use that.

We can debug this problem until the cows come home, or use hardware that's natively supported by the operating system.
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