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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 28, 2013
Does anyone find it ironic that the forum font used across Macrumors is Verdana, a Microsoft system font from the 1990s. I am aware of its readiblity at small sizes, high X height etc. But are there not any alternative Apple-esque or more modern fonts that could have been chosen?
Verdanna would certainly make sense if the Gate$ of HeII foundation, helps underwrite Macrumors??:eek: Sorry coudn't resist.:D

Still I strongly suspect more than a few casual viewers visit via the dark side. Especially if they happen to be using a work computer. That would be a more rational explanation.
Yes, but you can use webfonts these days (downloaded when you view the site). You don't have to stick to what the user has installed.
Does anyone find it ironic that the forum font used across Macrumors is Verdana, a Microsoft system font from the 1990s. I am aware of its readiblity at small sizes, high X height etc. But are there not any alternative Apple-esque or more modern fonts that could have been chosen?

Garamond is a beautiful, elegant and exceptionally legible font, one that dates from the time of the Renaissance, but one which (well, a modified version of which) was used by Steve Jobs.

Personally, I love it, and would like to see it in widespread use.
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Which Garamond? I tried both Apple and EB Garamond but they don't seem to work so well on websites.

So far, I'm finding that Proxima Nova, Avenir Next and Gotham all look extremely nice in web usage.
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How about Raleway then?

Also looks great to me, and free to licence.
I wonder if the font has always been Verdana or not. At this point it's been so many years it's just text to me, I can't remember fonts very well. Could always take a look at the Web Archive for this.

also want to point out that Material Design is yucky. I use this site at 75% zoom because I feel the elements are too large by default. Text does get harder to read so I have to zoom it from time to time but not horrible. I often just use the Ctrl zoom on my Mac to do so.
Which Garamond? I tried both Apple and EB Garamond but they don't seem to work so well on websites.

So far, I'm finding that Proxima Nova, Avenir Next and Gotham all look extremely nice in web usage.

Fair enough; however, Garamond works exceedingly well on the printed page (which is not the same thing as online, and works well as text).

Notwithstanding all that, font preferences are a very subjective matter of personal taste.

For example, I still like Times New Roman, but some see it as an old fashioned font.
Font preferences are also a matter of context. I like many fonts that would be useless for reading body text in a forum. So I'm curious what might work. A lot of the classic "A grade" fonts just collapse when used at small pt size on a webpage.

I'm currently viewing this website using the following .css script in the Stylus Extension, and it looks far better than the original:

@font-face {
font-family: "Verdana";
src: local("Raleway-Regular");
@font-face {
font-family: "Verdana";
src: local("Raleway-Bold");
font-weight: bold;
It should really default to "-apple-system,system-ui" before Verdana. I have added this as user style using Cascadea on p,h1,h2,h3,a,span,div and it works quite well:

Screenshot 2020-12-26 at 16.01.02.png

Screenshot 2020-12-26 at 16.01.10.png
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